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Women grew corn while men fished

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Q: How did Indians in the eastern woodland region divide up labor?
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How did Indians in the eastern woodland region divide labor?

Women grew corn while men fished

How did Indians eastern woodland region divide up labor?

Women grew corn while men fished

How did Indians the Eastern woodland region divide up labor?

Women grew corn while men fished

What did the woodland Indians live in?

The Iroquois Indians lived in the coastal plains region(Eastern Woodlands)

What was the lifestyle of the Indians in the eastern woodland region?

They farmed corn, hunted, and lived in villages

How did Indians divide woodland region up labor?

Women grew corn while men fished

Which best describe the lifestyle of the Indians in the eastern woodland region?

They built cities out of mud brick from river basins

Where did the tribe mohawk?

they lived in eastern woodland region,which is in new york they lived in eastern woodland region,which is in new york

What region did the woodland Indians live in?

The Iroquois Indians lived in the coastal plains region(Eastern Woodlands)

Where did the mohawk tribe live?

they lived in eastern woodland region,which is in new york they lived in eastern woodland region,which is in new york

Did the Algonquins live in the Eastern Woodland region?

yes they did

Which best describes the lifestyle of the Indians in eastern woodland region?

They built cities out of mud brick from river basins