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Indians tents probably look like cones

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Related questions

How do Indians look like?

Indians tents probably look like cones

How do the lenape Indians look like?

they look like a indians

What are the cone-shaped tents of the plains Indians called?


Where did paleo Indians live?

In tents and tepees. They were the Indians that were very old!

Are there any maternity dresses that do not look like big tents?

They do sell maternity dresses now that do not look like tents , the dresses they have out now are definitly more fashionable and more comfortable .

Who lives in tents?

Indians live in a tent

What does a refugee camp look like?

refugee camps look like a field of tents that are made from loads of sticks and some material.

Which companies produce tents that look like castles?

Examples of companies that produce tents that look like castles include, Medieval Fantasies Company and Skyline Tent Company among others. The costs offered by these companies vary.

What is the collective noun for tents?

The collective noun for tents is a caravan. i.e. Oh look, it's a caravan of tents.

What did the colonist use to make them selves look like Indians?

The colonist did not try to make themselves look like Indians.

What types of homes did the Olmec Indians live in?

woodland indians lived in longhouses and olmecs in tepees

What did the Indians homes look like?

A bit like teepees.