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GREAT! better than whites! since slavery was held in the past most blacks have first pick at a job unless the person dislikes blacks for some odd reason.

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The same way as everyone else.

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Q: How are black people treated in America today?
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How does black history help us today?

It helps us to remember black people and that they should be treated equally and stuff, also that slavery is no-more and that this is a good thing. personally i think abolishing slavery was an almighty good thing, it was very,very bad for all people concerned.

How are African American women viewed in today's society?

African American women are viewed as people, humans and they are treated equally to everyone else. There are people who treat them badly and view them badly, but it not commonly found today.

Do all people come from black people?

Today, according to science, geneticians, anthropologists,etc... The first human family/ Homo-Sapien Sapiens are believed to have come from Eastern Africa around the Tropics, and the most genetically diversed people are Africans south of the Saharan desert. Meaning that all humans today could be traced back to an African family which sprung up millions of years ago before spreading to other parts of the world. As we all know in primitive conditions, Black skin is ideal for survival in the hostile Tropical climate! Thus today, it's safe to say that all people came from a dark-skinned people initially what is called Black in America.

What racial dynamics in American cities led to the continued separation of blacks and whites?

it was that they thought whites were better than blacks and also some people today think racially because of pokemon BLACK and WHITE they think white is for white people and black is for black people seriously some people are just plain idiotic

Who are some of the leading black public intellectuals in America today?

Melissa Harris-Perry is considered by some to be the most prominent Black intellectual as of 2014. Others include Dr. Peniel Joseph, and Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Related questions

How are people treated for the black plague?

Today, they are treated with antibiotics.

How many Black People are in America today?

to many....

How do people deal with the black death today?

black death affect our lives by killing us..... the plague

How are people treated now when martin Luther king juiner died?

First of all, you spelled it wrong. Second of all, look at today...though he died, black people didn't get treated badly again...

How are people curently treated for the black plague?

There is no plague so no one is treated for it today. Sometimes a small animal will be found with it in a remote area and will be put down.ANSWERThe plague occasionally pops up in remote areas of the American Southwest and elsewhere in the world. It is treated today with antibiotics.

What are the treatments for the black plague?

The small number of cases that occur today are treated with antibiotics.

What is the treatment of the black plague?

Today, it can be easily treated with antibiotics if caught early enough.

What was the conclusion of the Harlem renaissance?

the conclusion of the harlem renssiance is that people then had a really hard time going threw the color of there skin and people were not treated equally and that why black people had to do something about it and it was not going to be right for black people to just suffer like that and it was just a terrible tragedty for black people back then and they did deserve the freedom that they needed the way they were getting treated and it was just diapponting for people to go threw something like that just because of the color of their skin and that would not be fair to the children today to get treated like this and that's why now people have the freedom that do deserve in life

Are African Americans treated equally in america today?

Personally , i Think that america has changed , health and care wise because obama promised and quote " i shall help and improve the health and car when i become the first black American president" , and i think he has accomplished that.

Why couldn't black fight for their country during World War 2?

At that time in The US, black people were still looked upon like they were worth nothing. America was still segregated and a very different America than it is today.

How were Navajo people treated?

The Mexicans treated the Navajo's with much disrespect.

How where people treated in new york in 1788?

Probably the same way they do today.