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There is no limit on profit, except taxes.

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Q: How much profit may individuals keep in capitalism?
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Are the Democrats socialist?

No, they are capitalists. Socialism and capitalism are diametrically opposed.

How did capitalism developed its place in America's economic and legal systems?

America was founded with the goal of freedom from too much government interference in the lives of citizens. Capitalism is a continuation of that goal, in that capitalism acknowledges the right of individuals when it comes to business and earning money with as little government interference as possible.

What ways do socialism and capitalism differ?

Capitalism allows for more freedom for businesses than socialism does

Is Portugal communism socialism or capitalism?

No. Communist don't have much power.

What are the Benefits of capitalism?

- Citizens' can control and develop factories, corporation etc. - There is no limit on how much an individual can profit Both of these assertions are incorrect I would posit. Under capitalism, the means of production are not owned in common, by 'citizens', they are owned by a wealthy few, the capitalists. Technological advamcement under capitalism is a result from competition. As to the second assertion, there are. Capitalism cannot endlessly expand for all time, firstly that is just impossible from a political economic perspective. Also there are the ecological limits to growth, the drive for endless expansion inevitably comes into conflict with ecology.

Can a 501c 3 make a profit?

Yes, of course, and many such tax-exempt organizations do. However, the law restricts how it may spend that profit, specifically prohibiting any payments to individuals in the form of dividends or other payments outside of ordinary contracts within the scope of the charter. There may be limits to how much profit a tax-exempt (501) nonprofit may keep from different sources, such as its own investments, without risking having to pay taxes.

Is general motors for-profit or not - for profit?

For profit. Very much so.

Economics is the science of scarcity and choice explain?

That description fails to account for the fact that so much human activity under capitalism is matter of being forced to do something, not a matter of choice. For instance, the majority of people are forced to sell their ability to work for a wage. And scarcity is an artificial situation caused by capitalism’s rule of no profit- no production.

Does capitalism exist in Japan?

Yes. Japan is nationally regulated free-market economy, very similar to the United States. However, it is much harder for individuals to invest in the Japanese market because of the Keiretsu system.

How much does horse riding profit?

usually, people who ride horses for a living barely break even. Horses are very expensive to keep.

Is freedom of choice capitalism or socialism?

Under capitalism, most people have little freedom of choice, as they have to work for an employer. Socialism will provide much more freedom, without the coercion of the wages system.

How much profit did Tesco make last year?

how much profit did tesco make last year