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they didnt have nerves so they couldnt feel

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Q: In 1790 how did Americans feel about the future of their new government?
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What is the future tense of feel?

The future tense of "feel" is "will feel."

Why did some Americans still feel worried about the future of their country after World War 2?

Some Americans still felt worried about the future of the US after World War 2 because the USSR still seemed like a threat. During the war the Russians had developed the Atomic Bomb, which was often on the minds of Americans.

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Most Americans feared that federal government would become too powerful.

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the Americans thought that the legislative branch was the most demotratic because people voted for them, so they were selected by people.

What is the future tense for felt?

The future tense of "felt" is "will feel."

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I wanan be that jonny you y i wanna be that johnny you y

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they used propaganda. and they made Americans feel sorry for the men who died in the army so they would buy them and support the war

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The Southerners did not feel good about the future of slavery

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why did many americans feel disappointed with reconstuction

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Americans did not feel connected to the whole country

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Not all Americans want the government to interfere in the free enterprise economy. Those that do, feel that companies need stiff regulations placed on them for environmental reasons, and tax reasons, as well as for economic and social reasons. Many people feel it's wrong for big companies and CEOs to be very rich while workers and other people are poor and struggling.

Why did Americans settlers feel it was necessary to remove the Americans Indians?

To have more space