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Nero's morality was greatest when he was a child.

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Q: In youth they gave Nero an instructor he Taught him to read and taught him gentle breeding. He was the flower of morality At that far time according to my reading. What is the meaning of the figurativ?
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What are the classification of actions according to the norms of morality?

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According to Freud's pshchological theory the ego makes up which part of the human psyche?

Our sense of morality

What is reflective morality?

Reflective morality is the internalized version of right and wrong from the elements of our upbringing. Reflective morality can include both religious morality, customary morality, and empathy.

What is 'proletariat morality'?

That term is taken from Marxist theory. According to Karl Marx, the world is engaged in elaborate class struggles involving the wealthy, capitalist class, and the less wealthy worker class which he called the proletariat. This class has its own particular concept of morality, which differs from the morality of the wealthier class.

What is a cultural relativism?

A cultural relativist does not believe in an absolute morality--what is moral changes according to the cultural context and situation.

What does the morality plays teach?

Well we don't know which morality play is 'the morality play' but usually a morality play focuses on some moral.

Why is morality a science?

Morality is a branch of philosophy, not science.

When was On the Genealogy of Morality created?

On the Genealogy of Morality was created in 1887.

Morality and other phases of life?

the morality it is amorality in your lifr