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Q: Most presidents have previously served in the House of Representatives Senate or as governors of states?
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Who votes for laws in congress?

A bill, such as the cap and trade carbon bill, has to go through the House and Senate, before ending up on the Governors/Presidents desk, where he can sign it into law or veto it. The House and Senate can overturn a presidents veto with enough votes.

Does the house of representatives approve the presidents selection of members of the supreme court?

No. It is the job of the Senate.

Who must approve the governors appointments?

the senate ~myla vance-In the United States,the congress is a bi-cameral legislature composed of the House of Senates which approves the presidential appointments and the House of Representatives which approves the governors appointments

Who convicts an impeachment?

In the case of US presidents, The House impeaches, and the Senate tries the case.

What can overturn a presidents veto?

Vote of two thirds of both houses of Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate).

How can congress override the presidents veto?

Congress needs 2/3 majority from both the House of Representatives and the Senate in order to do that.

How many votes do you need to override a presidents veto on a bill in the senate?

A two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and in the Senate is required to override a presidential veto.

What are the 2 houses of congess?

Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

What president was convicted of impeachment in the 1900s?

Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinoton were impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but acqitted by the Senate.

How many representatives are there in the senate?

there are 100 representatives in the us senate

What are the 2 branches of congress?

The House of Representatives and the Senate

What are two parts of the U.S. Congress?

The Senate and the House of Representatives