The first success of the continental army occurred at Trenton. This was a desperate win during the battle of Saratoga which ended up being a major victory for the army.
Soldiers in the Continental Army were citizens who had volunteered to serve Early in the war, the enlistment periods were short, as the Continental commander-in-chief, but these took time to consider and implement. ...but Washington managed nevertheless to secure importantstrategic victories.
The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army.
The first Continental Congress agreed to... Encourage colonists to keep boycotting British goods, told colonial militias to prepare for war and they drafted the Declaration of Rights. The second Continental Congress agreed to... Sent word to colonial officials asking for a new state constitutions, authorized the Massachusetts militia to become the Continental Army, and put George Washington as Commander of the army.
the declaration of independence is adopted, the continental army surprises british troops at trenton christmas, france recognizes america as an independent nation
The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in the spring of 1775. Hostilities between England and the colonies had already broken out--Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga, and Arnold's failed attempt to invade Canada. The Congress acted as the government for the colonies when it became obvious that war would result between England and the colonies. They appointed Washington as commander of the Continental Army and approved the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
the Continental Army's first major victory was at the battle of Saratoga.
The Continental Army was formed on June 14, 1775.
The Continental Army contributed to the victory because it gave additional troops that won by unconventional methods in battle
It's generally referred to as the Colonial Army or the Continental Army.
The first Continental Congress created the Continental army and also wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Continental Congress is also responsible for making George Washington the General of the Army.
The Continental Army.
The First Congress for the continetal Army
George Washington was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War against Britain.
The first meeting of the US House of Representative was held on 1 April. George Washington becomes the first US President on 30 April. The US Army replaces the Continental Army on 29 September.
George Washington, the first continental congress decided this.
A stalker that has been in the army and is a hobo