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building codes requiring fire escapes.
The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company of 1911 drew attention of the need to address workplace safety issues and women's rights.

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The Sherman Antitrust Act
the passage of the sherman antitrust act

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Q: Tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist company led to?
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What problem of raising money to settle the New World led English merchant-capitalists to create the institution of?

Joint Stock Company

What was the impact of the Triangle shirtwaist fire?

many were distraught about the disaster and it brought about safety reforms in the workplace. for example: == # Registration of factories. # Physical examination of children before employment certificate is issued. # Fire drills. # Automatic sprinklers. # Fire prevention; removal of rubbish; fire-proof receptacles for waste material; protection of gas jets; prohibition of smoking in factories. # Prohibition of the eating of lunch in rooms where poisonous substances are prepared or generated in the process of manufacture; adequate hot and cold washing facilities for such establishments. #* Summary power of Commissioner of Labor over unclean and unsanitary factories. # Employment prohibited of women within four weeks after child-birth. many were distraught about the disaster and it brought about safety reforms in the workplace. for example: == # Registration of factories. # Physical examination of children before employment certificate is issued. # Fire drills. # Automatic sprinklers. # Fire prevention; removal of rubbish; fire-proof receptacles for waste material; protection of gas jets; prohibition of smoking in factories. # Prohibition of the eating of lunch in rooms where poisonous substances are prepared or generated in the process of manufacture; adequate hot and cold washing facilities for such establishments. #* Summary power of Commissioner of Labor over unclean and unsanitary factories. # Employment prohibited of women within four weeks after child-birth.

Who established the massachusetts bay colony?

The Massachusetts Bay colony, founded on the North American shores in the vicinity of what is now known as Boston, was established by the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1628. This company was led by an English Puritan, the minister John White, while the majority of the company's settler-population were also Puritans seeking to practice their religion unfettered in the New World, while also establishing a trade route with the Old World.

Led Revolution of 1800?

led revolution of 1800?

How did the Central Pacific railroad company treat Chinese workers?

The Central Pacific railroad took advantage of its Chinese immigrant employees. They would pay them significantly less than the unskilled white workers. The company didn't provide the complementary food and lodging for them that was enjoyed by the white workers. Also, the Chinese were given the most dangerous of the jobs, which led to the death of about 10 percent of the company's Chinese workforce.

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What tragedy led NY authorities to be strict on work issues and fire codes?

Probably the Triangle Shirtwaist fire.

What devastating 1911 NYC factory accident led to 146 deaths of mostly women and children?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.

What event led to 90 percent of woemn clothing workers being organized in New York city?

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

In what event led to 90 percent of women clothing workers being organized in New York city?

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

What workplace safety laws were established because of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?

Some of the laws that the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire led the workplace to enforce are better building access, fireproofing, availability of fire extinguishers, installation of alarm systems and automatic sprinklers, better conditions for workers, and limited hours for women and children as well as others.

Did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire led to enforcement of workplace safety laws?

Yes, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911 was a turning point for workplace safety regulations in the United States. The tragic event highlighted the need for improved safety measures and led to the passage of new laws and regulations aimed at protecting workers, including the establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1970.

Which reform resulted from the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory led to various workplace safety reforms, including improved building codes, fire safety regulations, and labor laws. It also sparked increased public awareness and support for workers' rights and better working conditions.

What event led to ninety percent of women clothing workers being organized in New York City?

A fire that cost many lives

Which progressive era reforms were inspired by the events at the triangle shirtwaist factory?

The events at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, where a fire led to the deaths of almost 150 workers, inspired reforms in workplace safety and labor laws. These reforms included regulations on fire safety, building codes, and workers' rights to ensure better working conditions and prevent future tragedies.

How did the public boycott of shirtwaist brings about work place safety laws?

The public boycott of shirtwaist manufacturers, following the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911 which killed 146 workers, brought attention to unsafe working conditions in factories. This led to increased pressure on lawmakers to implement workplace safety laws, ultimately resulting in the passage of regulations to protect workers and improve workplace safety standards.

What event led to 90 percent of women clothing worker being organized in New York city?

Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

What type of event led to the creation of the international ladies garment workers union?

a fire that cost many lives The Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire.