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Was Ulysses S. Grant a slave?

no Ulysses grant was not a slave

How did Ulywsses Grant's name get changed to Ulysses S. Grant?

He was originally Hiram Ulysses Grant, but his family called him Ulysses. Then he enlisted in the war and was registered as Ulysses Simpson Grant , with his mother's maiden name after that he decided to leave it Ulysses S. Grant.

Is there a Ulysses S. Grant timeline?

Yes there is a timeline for Ulysses s grant. I know this because I research about Ulysses s grant.

The Union general who captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson?

Ulysses S. Grant

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Ulysses S. Grant party?

Ulysses S. Grant was a Republican.

Who was Ulysses S. Grant's mom?

General Ulysses Grant's mother was Hannah Simpson Grant.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant's dad?

Ulysses S. Grant's dad was Jesse Root Grant.

What is Ulysses S. Grant's real name?

Ulysses Simpson Grant was born Hyram Ulysses Grant. He changed it because he preferred U.S. Grant over HUG.

What is Ulysses S. Grant's real name?

Ulysses Simpson Grant was born Hyram Ulysses Grant. He changed it because he preferred U.S. Grant over HUG.

How many kids did Ulysses S. Grant?

Ulysses S. Grant had four children. Frederick Dent Grant, Ulysses Simpson, Ellen Wrenshall, Jesse Root Grant.

When was Ulysses Grant Groff born?

Ulysses Grant Groff was born in 1865.