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Q: What are swear words in cree?
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Related questions

How many swear words are in Ghostgirl?

180 swear words.

How do you spell baby in Cree?

Cree has many words for baby, including awâsis,apiscawâsis and pêpîsis.

How does one say butterfly in the cree language?

Cree has many different words meaning "butterfly", including:kamâmakmimikwâskamâmakos

How do you say swear words in french?

WikiAnswers does not display swear words in any language.

What swear words are bleeped out on TV and what swear words aren't?

Usually American TV won't allow any swear words on TV . . . however Canadian TV will allow more swear words like . . . Cr*p . . . and stuff that isn't too bad.

How many swear words are there in England?

It's impossible to count the number of swear words in any language, because there is universal agreement as to what words are considered swear words.

What different swear words are there?

Exactly, I am going to type up all the swear words. Great try.

Why you have swear words?

Swear words are slang; or a word that in decades earlier would only be used in private.

How many swear words are there in the album Sinner by drowning pool?

There are no swear words in "Sinner" by Drowning Pool.

Who invented the The Swear words?

In the english language swear words came from the vikings :D :3 :v

Swear word beginning with q?

Swear words are not allowed on WikiAnswers.

Are swearing words defined as abusive words?

When used to address people, swear words are usually abusive words. However, there are many abusive words and phrases that are not swear words.