

What is the largest mound in WV?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Grove Creek Mound

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Q: What is the largest mound in WV?
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Which state in the United States has the largest Native American Indian mound?

. I am Grace. I am pretty sure that state with the largest Indian mound is Ohio.

Where is the Largest Indian Mound in the US?

Cahokia mounds . Illinois

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adenas. (uh.DEE.nuhz)

What largest settlement of the Mound Builders was?

The largest was Cahokia, near modern day St. Louis, Missouri.

What is a famous Indian mound from Ohio?

One famous Indian mound in Ohio is the Serpent Mound, located in Adams County. It is a prehistoric effigy mound shaped like a serpent and is one of the largest effigy mounds in the United States. The Serpent Mound is believed to have been built by the ancient Adena culture, dating back over 1,000 years.

What is the second largest Indian mound in the U S?

The second largest Indian mound in the U.S. is Monks Mound, located at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site in Illinois. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site known as Cahokia Mounds and was created by the Mississippian culture between 900-1200 AD.

In which present-day state did the Adena people build the snake-shaped Serpent Mound?

The Adena people built the Serpent Mound in present-day Ohio, USA. The mound is an ancient effigy mound representing a serpent and is one of the largest earthwork effigies in the world.