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The effects of Bacon's Rebellion were that Governor Berkeley returned to power, seizing the property of several rebels and hanging over 20 men. Berkeley soon was relieved of the governorship though, and sent back to England. Indentured servants both black and white had joined the frontier rebellion. This was the first time in colonial history that members of both races had united. This was also the first rebellion in American History that had included colonists and frontiersmen. Bacon's Rebellion caused rich plantation owners to look for a new, less troublesome form of labor. Indentured servants, which eventually were freed and had to be given a chunk of land, were troublesome. These plantation owners turned to another source of labor that had previously been unpopular because of its expenses. This is the time when slaves began to be more common in the colonies.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Bacon's rebellion led to the Colonists adopting slavery as the primary source for labor. Bacon's rebellion was led by a group of former indentured servants who were now free, without work, idle, and looking for trouble. With slaves they were never free, never looking for trouble, and never out on the prowl. After the 1676 rebellion led by Bacon, the colonies decided that black slaves from Africa would be the way to go, since they never got their freedom.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Bacon and his followers were convinced the government of Virginia refused to punish the Indians for raids on colonial settlements because of a properous trade between the Indians and the wealthy landowners in Virginia. Bacon and his followers took matters into their own hands, attacked the Indians, some of whom were completely innocent of any raids, and turned his "army" toward Jamestown. The governor arrested Bacon but his followers were so numerous that Governor Berkeley was forced to release him. Bacon threatened to hang the governor who fled across the Chesapeake. For several months, Bacon and his frontier rebels governed Virginia. It would never be known how the English would handle this first attempt on their control (a rebellion) because Bacon fell ill and died. Without his leadership, his rebellion fell apart. Berkeley rounded up some of Bacon's troops and hanged about a dozen for treason. The King of England was so disgusted by Berkeley's ruthlessness, that he had him recalled to England where he died a few months later. The conflict between the tidewater and Piedmont continued for more than a century and the tidewater aristocracy continued to dominate Virginia's economy, government, and culture.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

black people.

It was a popular revolt led by Nathanial Bacon. It redefined notions of race in North America. but black people would probably be an acceptable answer too.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Because many indentured servants participated in Bacon's Rebellion, Virginia planters became more interested in slaves as a potential labor source.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

it showed tensions in the colonies from the rich and poor and it showed racial hostility.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Planters began to look for less troublesome laborers.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Bacon's Rebellion moced Americans awa from using indentured servants for labor and instead moved them towards using African slaves.

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