White protestants
To hunt, fight, and scare off things that may harm the Native Americanenvironment.
nomad Indians made tepee
they possessed no form of writing
Native Americans used tribal councils to settle disputes. This resulted in the judicial court system used in American courts today.
Do you mean north american native or south american native?
Great Plains.
Lacrosse is traditionally a Native American sport that we call stick ball. It is an important part of our culture and was often used to settle disputes. The Native American version of stick ball could often get more aggressive and violent than the lacrosse version you see today.
It was used by Native Americans.
Native American tribes have used yarrow for toothaches, headaches, and other ailments.
Native Americans had a very diverse culture. Arts and crafts were means of expressions for them. Totem poles were interesting to native american children as toy airplanes are to american kids. Paint, masks, and other accessories were used to decorate the totem pole. The totem pole was used in cultural holidays to celebrate their hertiage.
what are the tools were used to build the rice terraces
Echinacea was used in traditional Native American medicine for its immune-boosting properties.
Terraces are used.
Native tribes of the plains used floodplain terraces for cropland. The tough prairie sod prevented cultivation of the uplands. They also used the trade system in which they would trade meats and hides such as buffalo for vegetables.