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Red Buckeye contains saponins which are toxic if ingested. These saponins are a natural soap. Among the Cherokees the seeds were used as a medicine.

It is alleged that some natives used the seeds to throw into streams and stun the fish, but this may not be true.

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Q: What unsual use did the American Indians have for the Red Buckeye tree?
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What is the name Ohio state tree?

The state tree of Ohio is the Ohio Buckeye, also known as the American buckeye, or fetid buckeye. Its scientific name is Aesculus glabra.

Does a buckeye come from a tree or a bush?

The buckeye is a member of the chestnut family.Aesculus . A. californica is the Californian Buckeye A. glabra is the Ohio Buckeye. A. octandra is the Sweet Buckeye. A. Pavia is the Red Buckeye.

What is the state trees name?

The state tree of Ohio is the Ohio Buckeye, also known as the American buckeye, or fetid buckeye. Its scientific name is Aesculus glabra.

What is the Ohio tree?

The state tree of Ohio is the buckeye. This tree was designated the state tree in 1953 and Ohio is sometimes called the Buckeye State.

Is the buckeye tree deciduous?

It is a deciduous tree that grows 30 to 50 feet in height. The leaves are hand shaped, with a group of five leaflets growing from a central bud. Fall foliage color is orange to red. The buckeye's botanical name is Aesculus, derived from from "Aesculapius," the Greek god of medicine. The Ohio buckeye was named Aeschylus glabra in 1809 by German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow. American Indians named the tree buckeye because the glossy, dark brown seeds with the lighter circular area look like the eye of a male deer.

What is a buckeye?

1) The buckeye is a nut that is inedible and grows on a buckeye tree. 2) A Buckeye is a person born in Ohio 3) A Buckeye is a fan of Ohio State football

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What is the Name of a tree that starts with a b?

Buckeye Tree

What is hetuck?

Hetuck is an edible and nutritious gruel made by Midwestern Indians by blanching, roasting and crushing the buckeye, a large nut from the buckeye tree related to the horse chestnut. Raw the buckeye is bitter and poisonous due to its tannic acid content. "Hetuck" is the Indian word for "eye of the buck deer".

How did Ohio's state tree get its name?

The Ohio state tree is the buckeye, so called because its nuts resemble the shape and color of a deer's eye.

Why is Ohio called the buckeye state?

it is called the buckeye state because most out of all of the trees are buckeye trees

Where can I see a picture of a buckeye tree chestnut?

You can search for images of buckeye tree chestnuts on the internet using a search engine or visit botanical websites for accurate representations. Buckeye trees are known for their distinctive nuts with a shiny, mahogany-brown color and a smooth texture.