who was one of the children this person's birthname was Isabella buamfree
She was a trans gender refugee
Kentucky's Nickname is The Bluegrass State.
his nickname was interchangeable man
negro school
The Traveling Queen Isabella I was called Isabella la Catolica, Isabel the Catholic, because she was quite religious.
Anne Isabella "Annabella" Milbanke
i think isabella with ella as a nickname is better, but arent there any other names you like? i can help you find a cool nick name or are therfe any nicknames you can think of that you like, i could help you find a nice name
Jamie for a boy - I (my opinion) really like that name for a boy it can also be a nickname for James (if you dont like Jim) I know a lot of boys named Jamie too. Isabella for a girl - I ( my opinion ) think that name is OK I think a nickname like Bella for that name would be better though!
Isabella Camille is 5' 3".
Yes, There is Isabella of Portugal, Isabella of France and others.
Well, Her full name is Isabella Marie Swan so that would make Bella her nickname. But Edward also calls her things like 'love'.
"Beautiful" or a nickname for Isabella may be English equivalents of "Bella Thomas."Specifically, the Italian word "bella" may be an adjective or the nickname for a feminine proper name. The feminine singular adjective "bella" means "beautiful." The feminine singular proper noun "Bella" is a nickname for Isabella.Either way, the pronunciation is "BEHL-lah."
Isabella Bachtiari is 172 cm.
"Bells" is Charlie Swan's nickname for his daughter Bella in "Twilight."Bella's name is actually Isabella. But she dislikes the name and prefers to shorten it to Bella. Charlie undoubtedly likes Bella's real first name, because he calls her that behind her back. To Bella's face, though, he has his own nickname of "Bells."
Izzy can be a unisex name, but it is more commonly used as a nickname for girls named Isabella or Isabel.
Isabella Zennaro's birth name is Isabella Marincola.