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1853 by president Franklin Pierce. It was purchased by the United States from Mexico in 1853 for $10 million.

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Q: What year was the Gadsden Purchase acquired?
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What year was the gadsen purchase acquired?

The Gadsden purchase was made in 1853. The Gadsden Territory was the southern parts of New Mexico and Arizona.

Gadsden purchase date acquired?


What territory was not acquired as a direct outcome of warfare?

The Gadsden purchase

Which was the first state after Mexico to be created from land acquired?

The Gadsden Purchase was the first state after Mexico to be created from the land acquired.

Was the Gadsden the largest purchase?

With Mexico? It was the only one: the rest was acquired by the means of war.

How was Mexican cession and gadsden purchase 1853 acquired?

The Gadsden Purchase was acquired on December 30, 1853 after a treaty was signed by James Gadsden and the current Mexican President at that time ,purchased by the U.S. for $10 million, to end controversial conflict as of where the boarder line was really meant to be.

Southwestern territory acquired by the Pierce administration to facilitate a southern transcontinental railroad?

Gadsden purchase

Because gadsden purchase the US acquired terrritory from which nations?

Just one nation - Mexico.

Southernwestern territory acquired by the pierce administration to ficilitate a southern transcontinental railroad?

The Gadsden Purchase

What land was acquired in President Franklin Pierce's term?

The Gadsden Purchase from Mexico was made while Pierce was president.

Who did we purchase the Gadsden purchase from?


What state is found in most of the land of Gadsden purchase?

The Gadsden Purchase saw the purchase of land from Mexico by the United States. Most of the land acquired from this purchased exists in southern Arizona just below Phoenix. The remaining land exists in New Mexico.