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Samuel Wilson was a meat-packer from Troy, New York whose name is purportedly the source of the personification of the United States, known as "Uncle Sam." He died on 31 July 1854.

Uncle Sam, as the personification of the United States, the way John Bull is a personification of Great Britain, has not and cannot die because personifications do not live or die - they are symbols.

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Uncle Sam is only a symbolic representation of the US government. So no.

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the Nazis killed that be-otch

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Why is Uncle Sam important to history?

Uncle Sam... US.

What does uncle sam symbolizes?

uncle sam symbolize helping out in the war

When was Uncle Sam Cereal created?

Uncle Sam Cereal was created in 1908.

When was Uncle Sam's on Mars created?

Uncle Sam's on Mars was created in 1978.

When was Uncle Sam - comics - created?

Uncle Sam - comics - was created in 1940.

What Uncle Sam is famous for?

One phrase that Uncle Sam is famous for saying is 'I was you for the U.S. Army'. Uncle Sam was first used in the War of 1812.

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The cast of Uncle Sam - 2002 includes: Dave Allen as Uncle Sam Jeff Witzke

How are sam Wilson and Uncle Sam alike?

uncle sam had a nick name by one if the souders but his real name was sam willison:D

What phrase is uncle sam famous for?

One phrase that Uncle Sam is famous for saying is 'I was you for the U.S. Army'. Uncle Sam was first used in the War of 1812.

Who is the equivalent of Uncle Sam in England?

The equivalent of Uncle Sam in England is John Bull.

What is the duration of Uncle Sam film?

The duration of Uncle Sam - film - is 1.48 hours.

What is the German equivalent to uncle sam?

The German equivalent to Uncle Sam is "Onkel Sam."