When you think of code talkers you think of the Navajo during WWII. However, less famous, but equally important were the Commanche and Choctaw code talkers
100 Kg
The most common Indian tribe known for using horses is the Sioux. Many think the Iroquois and Kwakiutl Indian groups also used horses.
The Indian Removal Act was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. This gave the government the right to remove the Eastern tribes and give them lands in the west "forever." Interestingly, it referred to this forced removal as an exchange. The eastern Indians were promised land in the west without regard to the tribes already in the regions, nor the fact that the lands were far different from what the eastern tribes were used to.
they used your mom
No the plains tribes followed the buffalo herds so they needed the ability to move. They used teepees.
Yes, the Cherokee people had a form of sign language known as Plains Indian Sign Language, which was used for communication across different tribes in the Great Plains region of North America. This sign language was not specific to the Cherokee tribe, but they may have used it for communication with other tribes.
totem poles were used in some Indian cultures because not all Indian tribes traditions do that
The Algonquian language spoken by the Narragansett, Massachussetts and Wampanoag tribes is called Natick. In Natick the general term used as a greeting is wunnegin (welcome), from wunne meaning good.
Yes all indian tribes use drums
totem poles were used in some Indian cultures because not all Indian tribes traditions do that
Sign language was used by many many tribes, not just the Plains tribes. It was simply to communicate with other tribes whose language or dialect was not fully understood by another.
100 Kg
animal bones were used for tools
TR 43 is the Indian code used for post-tensioning
The most common Indian tribe known for using horses is the Sioux. Many think the Iroquois and Kwakiutl Indian groups also used horses.