Bonnie Parker was married to Roy Thornton September 25, 1926, six days before Parker's 16th birthday
Quanah Parker had 8 wives and 27 children. He actually even married his mother, or it is said he did, because of the Comanche tradition.
Iron Jacket had one child, Peta Nocona. Peta Nocona married Cynthia Ann Parker, and they had three children, Quanah Parker, Pecos Parker, and Prarie Flower Parker. Prairie Flower Parker was Iron Jackets only granddaughter, born in 1858, and died in 1863 at the age of 5. Iron Jacket had three great-granddaughters from Quanah Parker and Cynthia Ann, Kelsey Parker, Chee Parker, and an unknown named daughter.
what did john parker invent in his older times i was just wandering
yes 2 boys
After her recapture by her white family, Parker and her daughter Topsana (Prairie Flower) went to live with a relative. Cynthia fell into a deep depression as she missed her husband and sons. After Topsana died of fever, Cynthia, who had been improving in health, gradually stopped eating, and died of poor health in 1870.
Bonnie Parker
sadly they dident have time to get married before police gunned them down
There is speculation that she was pregnant at the time of her death.
Bonnie Parker was born on October 1, 1910.
Bonnie Parker was born on October 1, 1910.
Bonnie Parker (1910 - 1934)
Clyde Barrow was Bonnie Parker's partner.
Bonnie Parker was born on October 1, 1910, and died on May 23, 1934. Parker was shot by law enforcement officers. She was half of the famous criminal duo Bonnie and Clyde.
CLYDE BARROW was Bonnie Parker's accomplice.
Yes. I was reading up on my genealogy and found this. I am living in Texas and I am extended family of Bonnie Parker. My great grandfather was Mark Parker. Bonnie Parker is also related to Cynthia Anne Parker, mother of the last Comanche war chief Quanta Parker. I didn't believe it myself but looking at the pictures of Cynthia and Bonnie up to my grandmother and mother I can see the resemblance.