John Brown
The South assumed that he represented Abolitionist opinion, and that they were allwanting violent revolution. This convicned them that they must break away and form a separate nation.
Yes! Eli Whitney was in fact an abolitionist!
Roger B. Taney was not an abolitionist.
The first white abolitionist was William Lloyd Garrison. He is the founder of the American Anti Slavery Society and led the white abolitionist movement in the North.
John Brown
John Brown
When John Brown was growing up, his father was a strong abolitionist when John grew up and became a responsible adult he followed his fathers foot steps in becoming an abolitionist. While becoming an abolitionist, John had made his contribute by making it violent and harming people who were very against freeing slaves. So after he killed many people he was finally hung.
Most people in the South believe that abolitionist John Brown was a violent criminal. In the end, he was hung for his crimes, in the North.
The John Brown's war was not a good war it is what sparked the Civil War. This started in the year 1859.
The South assumed that he represented Abolitionist opinion, and that they were allwanting violent revolution. This convicned them that they must break away and form a separate nation.
Abolitionist were the people who were against slavery.
Abolitionist is a noun.
He was a reformer not a abolitionist
A abolitionist is a peson that is against slavery.
He was a reformer not a abolitionist
Harriet Tubman helped them and took them through the under ground railroad