The only reason John Chapman was known to be called ''Johnny appleseed'', He wanted to be a pioneer and he knew the lord was the only one to tell him to set out to plant appleseeds all over the terrain in the village and across the valley. The name came from the anonymous character..? -Jason Otten
Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) never married and didn't father any children.
Non-fiction. John "Johnny Appleseed" Chapman was a pioneer nurseryman and New Church missionary during the late 18th and early 19th century.
A number of monuments have been erected for Johnny Appleseed. One monument, called the Copus Monument added Johnny Appleseed's name because of the insistence of a women who knew him as a child. The Johnny Appleseed Museum is in Urbana, Ohio. Ask them! I am Anna Louise Rowlands Frye. My grandmother was a Chapman. There were Chapmans in Dexter City, Ohio just North of Marietta. Relatives, over the years have told me I am the great, great, great niece of Johnny Appleseed. Nothing I have ever read about Johnny even mentions Dexter City but there is a beautifull monument of him at that location. I was born in Dexter City.
Abraham Lincoln and Johnny Appleseed did not meet in person. Johnny Appleseed, whose real name was John Chapman, was a real-life historical figure known for planting apple trees in the American Midwest during the early 19th century. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from 1861 to 1865. While both figures were active during the same time period, there is no historical record of them meeting.
John Chapmann, died of pneumonia near Fort Wayne, Indiana, sometime between 1845 and 1849.
If this who you are thinking of, John Chapman is Johnny Appleseed.
John Chapman (Johnny appleseed)was exactly 6' 11"
john chapmans, also known as ''johnny appleseed'' parents were Nathaniel dabney Chapman and elizibeth symond Chapman.
John Chapman (no i) was Johnny Appleseed.
Johnny Appleseed
Nathaniel Chapman married Elizabeth Simonds and had three children: Elizabeth, John and Nathaniel. John Chapman grew up to be "Johnny Appleseed."
There are controversies surrounding the date and the reason for John Chapman's (Johnny Appleseed's) death.
"Cheese is like the grating of a tree."
John Chapman, also known as Johnny Appleseed died on February 18,1845. He died in his sleep from something called ''winter plague/presumably pneumonia.''
The reason that he started to fall in love with planting apples so he changed his name to Johnny Appleseed.By the way Johnny's real full name was John Chapman.
John Chapman or more famously known as Johnny Appleseed
John Chapman (Johnny appleseed) (: