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... Despite the reverts; The correct answer is Witches are really nothing more than people; and people can be allergic to any variety of things. Some people are allergic to tomatoes; others are allergic to watermelons. Some people who are allergic to grass (such as myslef, e.g.) might follow a Witchraft tradition. But not all Witches are allergic to grass; some may not have any Allergies at all. and just for the record, there are also Christians (and others in other faith traditions) who are allergic to grass. Grass allergy is actually one of the most common allergies, that has a longspread history. Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to Asthma. Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact. The most usual allergen or substance that causes or triggers grass allergy is pollen. This is a specific type of pollen, that the grass plants produce themselves. Often times, other pollens coexist on the grass leaf; therefore if one is allergic to another form of pollen that is stirred up from resting on the grass leaf; it is still often times classified as Grass allergy. Common symptoms of grass allergy are: headaches and/or migraines, nausiness, rashes, general itchiness, sneezing, and less frequently, fever.

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Q: Are witches allergic to grass
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Is it possible to be allergic to grass?

Yes, it is possible to be allergic to grass. Grass pollen is a common allergen that can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, causing symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

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Can you be allergic to freshly cut grass?

Yes you can certainly be allergic to grass, especially fresh cut grass. Grass allergies typically come around in the spring and summer when grass is being cut and the pollen is being stirred around in the air. Most people are actually allergic to the pollen but link it to grass.

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Could humans be allergic to grass?

Yes. Or you can get Hives, which is like a rash but instead it is red bumps. They itch a lot and can be anywhere on your body. They usually are anywhere the grass touched you, depending on how allergic you are.

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Citronella is derived from a type of grass, so there is a possibility of cross-reactivity and an allergic reaction if you are allergic to grass. It is recommended to test a small amount on your skin before using products containing citronella to check for any adverse reactions. If you experience any itching, redness, or swelling, discontinue use immediately.

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Yes, it is possible to be allergic to fresh cut grass and experience symptoms such as sneezing, itching, or difficulty breathing.

Can wheat grass cause nausea?

Yes, and some people are also allergic to it.