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Q: Did Giovanni da Verrazano find gold?
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What is Giovanni da verrazano full name?

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Where was Giovanni da Verrazano born?

Giovanni da Verrazano was born in Tuscany, Italy.

What are facts about Giovanni Verrazano?

Giovanni Da Verrazano was eaten by cannibals!

What did Giovanni da verrazano's father work as?

Giovanni da Verrazano's dad owned a silk factory

Who financed Giovanni da Verrazano?

The Spanish enemies financed Giovanni Da Verrazano's trip. and i know it. :)

Who were Giovanni DA verrazano family?

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Who was the Verrazano-Narrows named after?

Giovanni da verrazano

Why did Giovanni da Verrazano came to America?

To find out more about the USA.

What did Giovanni da Verrazano find in New York narragansettbay?

Water ways were highways they were looking for passageways thru america.

Who searched for the seven cities of gold?

Giovanni da Verrazano

What are facts about Verrazano?

Giovanni Da Verrazano was eaten by cannibals!