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yes, Catalina Medranno

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Q: Did explorer Sebastian Cabot marry
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Were was Sebastian Cabot the explorer born?

He was born in Venice.

When did Sebastian cabot explorer die?

Sebastian Cabot was born in Bristol, England in 1474. He was the son of John Cabot and lived until 1557.

Who is sebastion Cabot?

Sebastian Cabot is an explorer. If you heard of Uruguay he also dicovered tht!!

What was the explorer Sebastian Cabot famous for?

Sebastian Cabot was a well known person .for when his father talked about him in vigorous speeches. jJohn Cabot father of Sebastian Cabot both had a passion for sailing and finding out all these new lands.

How did Sebastian Cabot become an explorer?

Type your answer here... were your mother is at

Where did explorer Sebastian Cabot go to school?

I dont now

What is John Cabots sons names?

John Cabot was an explorer who was from Italy. He had three sons whose names were Sebastian Cabot, Sancius Cabot, and Ludovico Cabot.

What country did Sebastian Cabot the explorer sail for?

Italy, Spain and England

What are people in history who's names start with a c?

Julius Caesar (Roman Emperor) Christopher Columbus (explorer) John Cabot (explorer) Sebastian Cabot Calvin Coolidge (U.S. President)

Which Italian explorer explored the coast of south America in the 15th century?

not Sebastian Cabot columbus did your welcome!

Who did Sebastian Cabot marry?

he married a women named Elizabth then he married a spanish women after elizabeth died.

What year was Sebastian Cabot born?

Sebastian Cabot (sebastiano caboto) was born 1474 Sebastian Cabot (actor) was born in 1918