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It was verey rare for girls to go to school. They usually worked on meals and chores. Boys were usually the only people there. They would also wip people for answering a question wrong or miss behaveing.

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No, girls didn't go to school in ancient Greece.

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no, girls in ancient Egypt were not allowed to go to school. The girls stayed home and learned from there mothers.

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If you were rich and could afford it then yes but Victorian schools were very strict and the punishments are very harsh!

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no they did not . in that time girl education was not encouraged

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Yes and so did boys

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Q: Did girls go to school in Elizabethan times?
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What was the clapper dungeon in the Elizabethan times?

Oh, dude, the clapper dungeon in Elizabethan times was like a super fun place where they kept prisoners who were naughty and stuff. It was called the clapper dungeon because, you know, they would clap their hands and be like, "Time to go to jail, bro." It was basically the Elizabethan version of a time-out corner, but with way cooler vibes.

What is a Elizabethan Privateer?

Elizabethan Privateers are people who trade for Queen Elizabeth. They are the ones who go on trading ships and trade for her. They trade for things such as land.

What was the Elizabethan classroom like?

The Elizabethan classroom was a smaller, plain room, normally with a psalm and other lessons hanging on the walls. Children had private tutors until the age of 7, when they began grammar school. They only went to school until they turned 14, then they went to Universities, normally Oxford or Cambridge. Only upper and middle class children went to school, and school then was expensive and difficult. You had to attend 6 days a week, and you had to go to church on Sunday. Monday you were met with a quiz on Sundays sermon.

Did you have to pay to go to school in Victorian times?

School's were not free until the end of the Victorian era in 1891.

Why did boys go to school but girls didn't in Tudor times?

Girls were not educated in the middle ages because when they were older instead going out for a job most of them would just stay in and have to do housework. so thats why girlslearned how to cook and clean instead.

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When? Girls have gone to school lots of times over the history of the world.

What did girls in colonial times do at school?

Yes, they did go to school, but didn't go much beyond 8th grade. They were not allowed in university or into professions.

Do girls and boys go to the same schools in Egypt?

Some schools in Egypt are mixed gender schools and some of them are separate

What grades did girls get in the colonial time?

In colonial times, most girls did not go to school in the sense we use today, and received no grades.

How many girls can't go to school?

There was no school for girls.

Did girls go to school in early Haida?

No, Girls Couldn't go to school because, girls had to learn how to work in the house.

What school did girls go to in the early 1900?

well in italy the girls didn't go to school

Should girls go to girl school?

No, girls should go to a mixed school (boys and girls) because it will be easier for girls to talk to boys when they are older.

How many girls don't go to school?

There are quite a few girls worldwide that do not go to school. Some of these girls are captives or neglected for example.

What school did the girls go to?

If you searched this my question is what girls?

Did girls go to school in other states?

girls did go to school in others states..although it depends what state.

Did girls get eductaed in Tudor times?

Tudor girls didn't go to school but some girls were taught by their mothers at home. It was mainly the very rich ones who where home tutored.