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School's were not free until the end of the Victorian era in 1891.

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It cost about one pence per day; but even at this amount it was difficult for some children to go to school.

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Q: Did you have to pay to go to school in Victorian times?
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How much did you have to pay to go to school in victorian times?

1 shilling

Did parents have to pay for their children to go to school in the Victorian times?

Schools were not free until the end of the Victorian era in 1891

Did the children in the Victorian times have a choice to go to school?

no if they were poor they did not go to school. If the children were rich then they could go to school.

What was it like to go to school in Victorian times?

Going to school in Victorian times was only for the rich children. This meant that the poor children would hardly mix with the wealthy kids at school.

Who paid for Victorian children to go to school?

Their parents paid for them to go to school.

Did Victorian people go to school?


What year did all children have to go to school in the Victorian times?

When child is able to stand the commands he or she can go to school ... usually 2and half years..

Why was it important for children to go to school in Victorian times?

Education in Victorian times served essentially the same purpose that it serves today; knowledge prepares people for more productive and better paid careers, and for more intellectually rich and rewarding lives. But we can add that due to the lack of child labor laws in Victorian times, children who didn't go to school were in most cases sent to work instead, which made for rather dreary childhoods.

Did poor Victorian children go to school?

no or yes

Why children did not go to school in Victorian times?

children didnt go to school in Victorian times as schooling was expensive and the vast majority couldn't afford to be educated. money was more important and with money they could feed themselves if nothing else so children were put to work as soon as they could be. hope this helps hun Before the Education act of about 1887, there was no enforced schooling, so if a family were poor, children did not go to school, but went to work instead.

How long did Victorian times go on for?

It went on for 81 years

Why was Victorian melodrama so popular?

you go to teddinton school dont you