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They were full of disease. Prisons were full of rats, lice and fleas, and 25% of the people in them died ! They were made to do pointless jobs and had to pay money whilst inside for basic necessitates such as food, water and even a comfortable bed or mattress to sleep on. It was a horrible place but many people were to poor to live outside of the prison and they had to go there to get free food .

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10y ago
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14y ago

during the 19Th century, prisons were very poor in hygiene, there were no good supplies of food, clothes, baths, book, bedding, health or exercise. the wardens quite often joined in with fights instead of stopping them!

people were quite often imprisoned for reasons such as poverty, crime, religion debt or even just being an orphan. if you were imprisoned for debts, your entire family would have to go with you.

the conditions in prisons were slightly improved in the 1860's but no proper clothes were provided until a while afterward.

hope i have helped!!! ;-)

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13y ago

Prisons are a lot different nowadays compared to victorian times, in victorian times the prisons were a lot worse. The cells were in a cramped space and where very dirty. As a punishment the prison guards made the prisoners do hard physical labour. They had to work very hard for everything they got and pay to be let out after they did there time. Nowadays prisons are a lot better because some have pool tables, bathroom, comfy beds and 3 meals a day. Prison is a good place prefrebaly for a homeless person because they are guarenteed to get food and shelter. In prison they try and get qualifications so they can fit straight back into society.

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14y ago

the crime level in Victorian England was based on cheese consumption

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16y ago

Conditions in most prisons at that time were grim. Very few people cared about prisoners, and they usually had to pay for their food.

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