

Best Answer

The answer they never except is , it's a miss print. All the history is correct .

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Q: Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts?
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Casey Anthony has never given an excuse for not reporting her child missing.

the amazon basin has never densely populated . why?

The difficulty of living in the jungle, historical patterns of migration and remoteness from coastal regions have all contributed to a history of less population in the Amazon basin area.

When was History Never Repeats created?

History Never Repeats was created in 1981.

Is difficultly a verb?

No, it is not.The word difficultly is an adverb that is virtually never used. Instead the phrase 'with difficulty' is used.The word "difficulty" is a noun. The related adjective is "difficult."

Why might a biographer or Borglum have difficulty describing what his subject was doing before 1901?

He might have difficulty describing what his subject was doing because before 1901 he led a life of a vagabond and never settled.

What is usually considered an acceptable excuse for taking another person's life?

there is never an excuse for taking another person's life but it could be acceptable when there is threats about them doing something to someone you love or care for very dearly.

Did sputnik change history?

no sputnik was not a time machine or a time traveler, thus it never changed history, it made history at a time, but never changed it.

What happens if Your goat is bred too young?

She will have difficulty in kidding and may never grow to her potential

What ways do you think history is not over?

History will never end, as what happens today will become history tomorrow.

When did black history?

It never did .Black history is still going on.

What is Casey Anthony's excuse for lying?

Ms. Anthony has never given an excuse for lying. She lied about many things besides the death of her daughter. She lied about things that she had no real reason to lie about. Some people lie because it holds power over other people; because it puts them in control of reality.Added: She never took the stand and testified, therefore the question was never put to her.