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Well most of the time it is too boring for anyone to actually pay attention, or some people just don't need to pay attention because history has nothing to do with what they want to be when they grow up!

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Q: Why do you never learn from History?
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Where can you learn about the history of softball?

You can get to learn the history from books or internet links

What we learn from history is that we don't learn from history?

true, history repeats itself all the time

What lessons can be learned from history?

never repeat the same mistakes the others did .... learn to know who is actually a friend and whos ur enemy.

What do you learn in American History?

I,Henal,learn how our forefathers fought and sacrificed themselves for our freedom today.

What do people learn from history?

They learn that history repeats itself and they learn about their heritage,culture,how society used to be and stuff like that

Why should a school going child learn History and Geography?

They shouldn't! It's not important for their future if their plan is to go nowhere and do nothing; if they never have a reason to find an appropriate place to live and to work; if they never have to make decisions about moving or investing in a home; never need to understand a government, its policies, and never plan to vote; if they never plan to travel or interact with people from other places. Nope, they don't need that stuff. Let other people worry about the future and the right things to do.

When was Never Learn Not to Love created?

Never Learn Not to Love was created in 1968.

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like all history if you do not learn it you are doomed to repeat it ...

What did kids in mesopotamia learn?

how to make stuff, learn history, and learn about war

How is Pocahontas and George Washington the same?

They are both native american, they are remembered in American History, and there names have never been forgotten.

How can you learn about history?

By reading.

What can you learn about Ethiopia?

You can learn about Ethiopias culture,history,and government.