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Discuss the challenges faced by HR management when significant staff cutbacks occur and how they should be addressed.

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Q: Discuss the challenges faced by HR management when significant staff cutbacks occur?
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Discuss the challenges faced by HR management when significant staff cutbacks occur and how they should be addressed?

most negative challenges will be a organization restructure , that may cause retention problems. and what is the solution of retention or employee's turn over? the company have to motivate the employees , they have to reduce the turn over,

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Discuss the challenges faced by HR management when significant staff cutbacks occur and how hey should be addressed?

The primary challenge lies in taking jobs from people who may not deserve to lose their jobs. Laying someone off is the hardest thing I have ever done in management. You then have to find a way to get the same amount of work out of less people without alienating your workforce to the point that they become inefficient.

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