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Britain has an accumulation of various statutes, conventions, judicial decisions and the treaties which collectively can be referred to as the British Constitution. It has no written constitution.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

England is part of the United Kingdom and the UK as all developed Western European nations has a very stable democratic government. Who me or Serious like Sam?

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Q: Does India have a stable government?
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Is Vietnam's government stable?

YES. The Vietnamese government is very stable.

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Its a known fact that Ethiopia doesn't have a stable government.

How stable is the political environment of India?

The political stablity of the political environment of India differs in what type of perspective you look at it. At the moment it is at the middle, so it could end up collapsing or prospering, depending on how the government and people may evolve later on.One perspective is that the India government is generaly stable. Although corruption runs deep within the government and there is a stark diversity of politics, the government is generaly stable, the economic boom is raising living standards and regional stablity, and the government is in no threat at current or in the near future to collapse.Another perspective however says that although the India government may be faring well at the moment, the numerous political divisions in the government, a country even more diverse than America, and surrounded all by hostile neighbors, half of them, which are at war with India at the moment, will eventually bring the Indian government down. Evidence of India's not to far collapse include all of eastern India, over 2/3rds of India's population, which is ruled by hostile communist regimes whom have in many times in the past threatend to secede from the Union, and sometimes by force, and the major tri-country struggle over the States of Jammu & Kashmir between India, Pakistan, and China. In addition, many people in the south still resent and fear the Federal government which is dominated by the Nothern Indians who are ethnicaly diverse from them, because they feel they are imposing Nothern Indian Culture on them. The unity of India is so qeustionable, that its difficult to EVEN define India as a confederation. Corruption, Diversity, War, and Radicalism will eventualy cause the India government to collapse.

Is the government in Togo stable?

Yes, Togo is a very stable country but the government isn't the best it could be.

Is Spain's government stable?

Spanish Government is fully stable. It is usually elected every four years.

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`Not very stable

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Difficult to say, approximately stable.

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Israel is very politically stable. Almost all threats to the Israeli government are external, not internal, which is the mark of a stable government.

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Rice & Wheat

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Mexico gained a stable government in August 24