Edward the Confessor was noted as a pious man who restored independence to England after years of Danish occupation by King Canute and his sons Harold I and Harthacanute. He built Westminster Abbey and maintained the integrity of England between 1042 and 1066, when he died.
Edward - who became Edward the Sixth
Its Edward VI, not Edward VII. Edward VI (12th October 1537 - 6th July 1553) aged 15. He died from tuberculosis.
Edward Heath received a knighthood in 1992.
Why did Edward Kelly get the nick name NedNed is a nickname for Edward.Like calling someone with the name Robert bob or William Bill
edward the first of england chose john balliol to be king of scotland for many reasopns; one was that balliol had a stronger claim he was the grandson of the first daughter of david earl of huntington he would be easier to control than bruce he agreed that edward was his overlord he paid homage to edward 2 times
Harold Godwinson was married to Edward's the confesser sister.:)
Edward the confesser
Edward the confesser
Edward the Confessor was born in the year 1003, in Islip, United Kingdom.
the answer is edwar the confesser or edwar atherlink
he's very bad
yes, they were distant cousins.
William become the king.
King Edward the Confessor, and since he didn't have a son or daughter, the crown was chosen by the WITAN
Edward the Confessor was one of the last Anglo-Saxon kings of England. He ruled from 1042 to 1066 CE and married Edith of Wessex in 1045 CE.
King Harold was the King of England when William invaded and before him it was Edward the Confessor. After Harold's death at the Battle of Hastings Edgar Atheling was proclaimed King but he was never crowned.
I think it was because he deafeated King Harold and apparently he had some English blood and was promised by edward the confesser.