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There is hardley any difference!

The Buddha, was enlightened Hindu satgurus(gurus) who's teachings later split of and became a separate religion.

I mean they both believe in many things including;

a. They both believe in Karma.

b. They both believe in Dharma.

c.They both believe in Reincarnation.

d.They both believe in Maya.

e.They are both Non-Dualist.

f. They both believe in gurus

g. They both have a form of self denfence

h. They both see enlightment and nirvania as their goals

i.They both practice yoga and meditation

j. They both follow a similar way of life

k.They both believe that belief in a particular guru(sant/satguru) is abloutsley vital for one to attain nirvania, enlightment or both

l.They both worship in simlar styled temples

m.They both deney the Indian casting system

o. both believe in the atman/jiva(soul or inner self)

p. Both use the term yogi

q. Both have orange as their natational colour

I mean many would probably say that Hindusim and Buddhism are different over their views of god, but actually buddhism does have a dharmic god like equivalent, it is called Nirvania.This is the case because in Hinduism it is believed that god is a peaceful place, home to the soul(atman/jiva) and free of suffering, and buddhism believes in this but calls it Nirvania.

I mean in Buddhism the words sant/satguru are not used but similar words are used and sants/satgurus are in Buddhism, they just have different names!

Buddhism doesn't really deney the Vedas,it just that the Buddha did not like the Hindu-Vedic priests who read books about animal sacrifice, which many forms of Hinduism deney too!

The atman(soul) does appear in Buddhism, but it is shown through different ways, to avoid confunsion betweeen the dharmic atman and Aberhamic soul.

Both Hindus and Buddhists follow the 8th fold path of Dharma, and Hinduism believes iin many very similar things to the three universal truths and four noble truths in Buddhism.

So to answer your question; There is technical no major differences. I mean I am both a hindu and Buddhist and I have never come across any differences, otherthan the ones ubove, which I have explained how they are not really differences!

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11y ago

Buddhism differs because it does not place a God or creator being at the centre of its philosophy. Buddhists don't have a saviour to look to for help; rather the Buddha(s) provide teachings that enable idividuals to master their own disturibing emotions and travel a path towards absolute happiness.

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11y ago

Buddhism was not theistically-based. It did not and does not emphasize the worship of God or gods. It is only about the ending of suffering.

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9y ago

In more than one beliefs. Hinduism believe in one Supreme God while Buddhism does not believe in one Supreme God or any other God.

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9y ago

Buddhism is based on non violence and no faith in god. They belief in humanity more than God.

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it does knwo wy

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What caused Aryan religion tho change over time?

Aryan religion was polytheistic but they began to have mystics and look for spiritual truth. They started to change into Brahmanism.

Why did the fall of the Han Dynasty help Buddhism spread in china?

Buddhism is an interesting religion, but also how it "migrated" is also interesting too! Buddhism was actually founded by a young Hindu Prince in India. There is a background story to it, but I won't get into that. Once the Prince found enlightenment, he began the now-modern religion throughout Asia, and few parts in Africa, Europe, and even North and South America(s). Buddhism started near the Hindu Kush, just north of New Dehli, the now day capital of India, and it spread by messenger's. Messenger's told the story of the Buddha and helped people understand Buddhism. As it grew vastly in India, Hinduism and Buddhism were almost neck and neck. But the messengers of the Buddha thought, why don't we spread this to the rest of the world! So they did, through ships, walking, running, and riding, they managed to spread the word. Now, these messengers were able to make it to China because as the old messengers told the people, "new" ones would fall in and continue spreading. Eventually, while China's main religion was Confucianism, was vast and large, by the time Buddhism got there they were neck and neck, just like Hinduism and Buddhism. So in short, it really was like a migration. Sorry for the long story, but I hope that helps!

How did the mauryan and gupta empires differ in boundaries?

There are many differences. One key difference is Religion where the Mauryans followed Buddhism and the Gupta Empire followed Hinduism. Other differences are from how each empire collapsed. The Mauryan Empire collapsed due to dynastic siputes and invasions. The Gupta Empire collapsed because of the corrupt governors, little central control, and pressure from the huns.

Did Trade in the Vedic Age led to the rise of kingdoms because of the importance of controlling land and long-distance travel routes?

Yes it did. :DIn the 11th century BCE, as Rig Veda took its final form, the Vedic society transitioned from semi-nomadic life to settled agriculture. This transition led to increased competition and conflicts over resources such as land and water. The Gangetic plains had remained out of bounds to the Vedic tribes because of thick forest cover. However, after 1000 BCE, the use of iron axes and ploughs became widespread and the jungles could be cleared with ease. This enabled the Vedic Aryans to extend their kingdoms along the Gangetic plains and ushered the later Vedic age.

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Religion such as Buddhism spread throughout China because missionaries and explorers carried these teachings tot he country when they visited. Communities cut off from other areas quickly took in the teachings and began to pass them along to new generations.

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