paul robeson spoke well of the Soviet Union. Jackie Robinson did not. apexvs
Paul Robeson took a more radical approach to equality than Jackie Robinson - APEX (2021)
Wright changed his mind about Communism; Robeson did not. Robeson continued to accept communist ideas; Wright did not. Wright was a member of the Communist Party; Robeson was not
Paul Robeson influenced others and our society by the example he set. He refused to have separate seating at his concerts for blacks and whites, he spoke out in anti-discrimination speeches, and proved that no matter what color you are, you can achieve great things.
he is important to black history month because he is a out spoken person to are USA place that is why.
artistic achievement would help end prejudice
-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson-Robeson took a more radical approach to equality than Robinson-Robeson spoke well of the Soviet Union, Robinson did not-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson
-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson-Robeson took a more radical approach to equality than Robinson-Robeson spoke well of the Soviet Union, Robinson did not-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson
-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson-Robeson took a more radical approach to equality than Robinson-Robeson spoke well of the Soviet Union, Robinson did not-Robinson's stand made him more popular than Robeson
ignore the dumb*ss abovejackie robinson is the answer broski
Sugar Ray Robinson went by The Prince of Harlem.
Paul Robinson* played for Leeds United, Tottenham Hotspur and Blackburn Rovers.
Paul Robeson's father is William Drew Robeson.
Paul Robeson's birth name is Paul LeRoy Bustill Robeson.
Wright changed his mind about Communism; Robeson did not. Robeson continued to accept communist ideas; Wright did not. Wright was a member of the Communist Party; Robeson was not
Paul Robeson and his wife Eslanda had one son, Paul Robeson, Jr.
Paul Robeson was born on April 9, 1898
Paul Robeson's mother was Maria Louisa (Busteil) Robeson. She died in 1904.