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Much of Europe was repulsed by the murder of the royal family by rebels in France and formed an alliance against them. While Alexander Hamilton, agreed with Europe and pledged support to England, Thomas Jefferson disagreed and pledged support to France while George Washington remained neutral.

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Alexander Hamilton, being the head of the Federalist party, didn't care much for France or Britain (although he and his party had an affection for Britain when it was beneficial to America), and he much preferred to stay out of the war. Thomas Jefferson, however, was the head of the Republican party with a strong appreciation for France that was common in the party, and as such wanted to help support them when possible. The war would eventually twist Jefferson's arm, proving too large for the still settling America to get involved in according to President Washington and most Americans.

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Q: How did Jefferson and Hamilton react to the violence in the French Revolution?
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Which American leader believed that the violence of the French Revolution was justified?

Jonh Adams

What was the outcome and the effect on the homelands of the American and French Revolutions?

Well, the American Revolution ended up with the United States. In short, that's what the outcome was. As for the French Revolution, it didn't end so nicely. The French weren't lucky enough to have leaders like the American Revolution did. Their leaders were into bloodshed, and they killed a ton of people, tried to establish a democracy, but their efforts failed. Once again, as some politicians, namely Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, prophesied, they were back under the spectrum of despotism, but this time under Napoleon. The American Revolution influenced the French in that they were spurred to start their own revolution. The French, however, split the nation further. To some, like Thomas Jefferson, the French Revolution was just the French embodying the American cause, and those who agreed with him gravitated towards the Democratic Republican party. But to others, like Alexander Hamilton (ever terrified of mob rule), the French Revolution was a horrifying scene of anarchy and despotism, and those turned to the orderly British government as a better model - the Federalists. So here was another issue the country was split over. In addition to fiscal policies and authority of the government, there was now the question - what country are we to align with?

How did the federalists view the french revolution?

They were horrified at how the French had mistreated their government and of all the bloodshed that had occured. They felt that they could no longer trust the French even though they had been allies during the American Revolution.

Who was NOT a French monarch beheaded during the French Revolution?

Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution

When was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799.

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What did Jefferson think about the french revolution?

he most likely would have supported it at first because America was in favor of the decline of monarchy's after they broke away from their own monarchy. He probably would not have liked it towards the end though because of all of the violence,

Jefferson was an early defender of?

Jefferson was an early defender of the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson sided with the French against the British.

Thomas Jefferson opposed some of Alexander Hamilton's programs because Jefferson believed that?

A.) The common bond of a substantial national debt would serve to unify the different states. B.) The French alliance threatened to spread the violence of the French Revolution to America. C.) The federal government should encourage manufacturing and industry. D.) Hamilton's programs were weakening the military strength of the nation. E.) Hamilton's programs favored wealthy financial interests. E, because according to Hamilton's plan, the farming areas would be left out in the big banks, causing the wealthy people to be favored. Jefferson wanted everyone to be treated equally in the bank system.

Who helped George Washington?

a french guy

Thomas Jefferson was an early defender of?

French revolution

What foreign policy during the French Revolution Thomas Jefferson?

The Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson became the leader of the pro-French Democratic-Republican party that did celebrated the republican ideals of the French Revolution

Where was Thomas Jefferson when the French Revolution began?

As it turned out, Thomas Jefferson was ready to leave Paris when the French Revolution began. In fact the prison break at the Bastille was just getting underway. At first he supported the Revolution.

Explain why Jefferson favor France and Hamilton favor England?

Jefferson favored France because he felt that since the french had helped the Americans gain their independence from England during the American revolution that the US owed France their support. hamilton was born in the british west indies, so he had strong ties to England.

How was the glorious revolution different from the American and the french revolution?

No violence. The new King arrived by invitation.

What factors contributed to the French Revolution What effect did the revolution have on the system of government in France?

ask ms hamilton

How was the French revolution?

Absolutely bloody and violent. As said by Schama, violence was the motor that kept the revolution going.

Who was serving as US minister to France at the time of the french revolution?
