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Canada east and Canada west had the same number of seats in legislative assembly so all the people from Canada west voted for one thing but all the people from Canada east voted for another thing. They weren't getting anything done so they decided to join together and have a federal government. :-)

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Confederation solved the political deadlock because there was now a coaliton of governments which resulted in there being more people in one party so they could pass bills.

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Q: How did confederation solve the political deadlock?
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Internal causes and the external factors that led to Confederation?

internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :) internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :)

How did confederation in Canada happen?

Confederation happened because political deadlock from Canada East and Canada West lead to political deadlock, leading to the Great Coalition, which was in favour of Federal Union. A railway was needed to connect the colonies, trade, and send troops faster. Threats of Americans invading British North America caused the colonies to want to unite and become stronger. People wanted to settle Rupert's land and the Northwest Territories. America cut off the Reciprocity Treaty, therefore making it expensive to trade with them and so Canada began to trade among themselves without paying taxes. Great Britain wanted her colonies to be more self-sufficient and have them do things by themselves.

What are seveeral causes for the deadlock ww1?


What was the political condition in Canada before confederation?

The colonies where separated send depended on England Canada became a country in July1,1867.

How was confederation finally achieved?

Confederation was achieved as a result of long discussion and debate. Ultimately it was compromise that created the Confederation. That confederation has lasted almost 250 years.

Related questions

How will confederation solve the problem of political deadlock?

It could solve it because there would be a unity and once there is unity there would be cooperation

Why did Ontario join confederation?

Ontario joined Confederation because of political deadlock.

Why was confederation important?

Discussions about Confederation began as a result of a political deadlock which existed in the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

Why did Canada East join Confederation?

because the political deadlock was making it impossible to do anything in Canada east and Canada west. ================================================================ Technically, Canada East did not join Confederation. Canada East and Canada West were merely geographical designations, not political entities. The pre-Confederation Province of Canada was the political entity that joined Confederation. Immediately upon Confederation, the Province of Canada was divided into the Province of Québec and the Province of Ontario.

How did the political deadlock affect Canada during the confederation?

When Canada East and Canada West had equal seats in the assembly, they both voted for different things and no laws could be passed to achieve confederation.

What is Political Deadlock?

Political deadlock is a situation where competing political parties have equal representation in the political system making it impossible for decisions to be made.

Internal causes and the external factors that led to Confederation?

internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :) internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :)

What are the synonyms for political deadlock?

impasse, stalemate, enable

Who was involved with Political deadlock?

Canada East and Canada West

What are effects of political deadlock?

When a political deadlock is reached, both parties are forced to find common ground to work out a compromise. Working out a compromise sounds much more successful to me than diggin in on positions and getting nowhere.

How was Canada's political deadlock solved?

Canada's political deadlock was addressed by forming a coalition government in 1921. This allowed the opposing parties to work together towards common goals and avoid ongoing stalemates in Parliament. The coalition government was led by Prime Minister Mackenzie King and helped break the deadlock in Canadian politics at that time.

Do political assassinations solve anything?

No, Political Assassinations solve nothing.