Most of the lands conquered by Muslim armies were not for the sake of spreading Islam. They were mostly defensive wars. In some cases the local people invited the Muslims to liberate them from the yoke of the dictatorial rules of their cruel kings. As a matter of fact no nation should rule another nation without her will. All nations and peoples should live peacefully respecting the sovereignty of others. No country should invade the lands of others.
Temujin, also called Chenggis Khan. The above answer is only partially correct. While the largest land Empire was the Mongol Empire founded by Chenggis Khan, the Empire was at its height under the rule of Ögedei Khan, his son.
actually muslims came to India just to rule and looted Indian wealth .They don't consider it as their mother land .At the time of British rule in India they hardly fought any serious war of independence they just waited for the result and when India got freedom the very first things they do is to take their own country now known as Pakistan. can any one name the muslims who sacrifice his life . among Hindus the list is never ending. they just given their blood to take their separate country Pakistan not for India's freedom
Answer: When Muslims are true to their faith, they can conquer anyone. God says, in the Qur'an, that anyone who worships other than the One God is weak. They do not have the help of God and, so, will be conquered easily. The reason Muslims are themselves conquered today is simply because they are not true Muslims. They are weak and hyppocritical - or they are extremists who kill innocent people. So they do not have the help of God.
Allies won, and at the Yalta Conference the Big Three forced Germany to give back all the land it conquered in Eurpoe when the Nazis took power.
each conquered land was ruled a governor chosen from its people
higher taxes required of non-Muslims
The Muslims conquered Iraq, Iran, and Siberia.
The Muslims conquered the Iberian Penninsula
Spain was conquered by the Moors
Numerous Muslim Empires have conquered "the Holy Land". Most Muslims conquered it from other Muslims, since the various Muslim empires often fought one another. There were only three cases where Muslims took the land from non-Muslims: (1) In 634-638 C.E. Caliph Omar led the conquest of the Levant from the Byzantine Empire. (2) In 1291 C.E. Saladin the Ayyubite defeated the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem to restore Islamic control of the Holy Land. (They had lost it to the Crusaders in 1099 C.E.) (3) In 1949 C.E. Armies of Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria all claimed parts of the Holy Land which had previously been administered by the British.
Numerous Muslim Empires have conquered "the Holy Land". Most Muslims conquered it from other Muslims, since the various Muslim empires often fought one another. There were only three cases where Muslims took the land from non-Muslims: (1) In 634-638 C.E. Caliph Omar led the conquest of the Levant from the Byzantine Empire. (2) In 1291 C.E. Saladin the Ayyubite defeated the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem to restore Islamic control of the Holy Land. (They had lost it to the Crusaders in 1099 C.E.) (3) In 1949 C.E. Armies of Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria all claimed parts of the Holy Land which had previously been administered by the British.
Who were the shiites
The Allies
Ghengis Khan ruled all of Mongolia. He soon conquered more land after uniting the seperated Mongol Tribes. Eventually he had conquered most of Northern Asia.
which land was not conquered by the mongols in china