***What "were" the encomiendas? is what you meant to say, go back to preschool.
They were concentration cmps that the Indians were sent to, to pick cotton and take "showers" in the gas chambers.
The encomienda system work by providing health to the King. The Spaniards force the Indians to pay tributes(tax) to them, but in return,the Spaniards promised to protect the Indians and teach them about Christianity.
Colonization and conquest by Spanish conquistadors during the Age of Exploration.
the ecomienda system was bad for the american indians because the spanish made them do hard labour which caused them to die. They were given scarce amount of food. They were also traded for african american slaves. it was good for the spanish because they made American Indians work and they got gold and silver and all kinds of precious items from them
The encomienda system was used throughout the colonial era.
The word encomienda means "(those) entrusted" and was a labor system used for Spanish colonies, mainly in the New World. It meant that tribute and labor was expected of the indigenous native tribes by Spaniards who controlled their lands (which was still considered owned by the natives). In return, the natives were granted military protection, education, and teachings of the Christian faith. It was meant to benefit both Spaniard and native but it seems as though the Spaniards always got the upper hand.The encomiendas followed the earlier Spanish practice of requiring service from Muslims and peasants following the Reconquista (reconquest of Spain from the Moors). In practice, they became little more than involuntary servitude.
Yes. He tried to persuade the Emperor Charles V to take steps against the excesses of slavery and encomienda (a form of forced servitude) that the native peoples of the Americas were made to suffer by the Spanish.
the answer is encomienda. :D
The encomienda system work by providing health to the King. The Spaniards force the Indians to pay tributes(tax) to them, but in return,the Spaniards promised to protect the Indians and teach them about Christianity.
The encomienda system work by providing health to the King. The Spaniards force the Indians to pay tributes(tax) to them, but in return,the Spaniards promised to protect the Indians and teach them about Christianity.
The encomienda was a dependency relation system.
encomienda system
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
encomienda. i hate PLATO.
The Spanish implemented the encomienda system when they first arrived on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. After they realized that the number of products to exploit were not as plentiful as they hoped, they went to Central (and South) America, where they carried on the encomienda system on the conquered minorities who helped them retrieve silver.
It was just replaced by the Hacienda system.
it is a system in which the spanish crown implemented