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The third estate was treated unfairly under the old regime because they had to do all the labor, provide all the food, and were burdened with all the taxes of the French population. Also, when they complained of their oppression to the Estate's General (after Louis XVI called it back after 175 years) none of their suggested/ demanded reforms were passed, since they were outvoted by the first and second estates. The first and second estates were made up of the clergy and nobility, respectively, and they were happy with the way the government worked at the time, since they did not have to work or pay taxes. But they only made up about 3% of the population, and the third estate, the peasants, working class, and bourgeoisie (middle class) were 97% of France's population. Yet in the Estate's General, their influence was minimal since they only got one of three votes. Because of all this, the estate system contributed immensely to unrest in France, and later to the French Revolution

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Q: How did the estate system under the old regime contribute to unrest in France?
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Who was in the three estates of the old regime why was this system so unequal?

The three estates divided the social classes of Revolution Era France. There was an estate that had the wealth nobles, there was an estate that had church people in it, such as priests and bishops, and there was an estate that had the common people in it. It was unequal as the nobles lived comfortable lives in their palaces and the common people sometimes had to steal bread just to live.

What was the feudal system used in 1770 France called?

In the 1770's there was no longer a feudal system. __ It was called seignorial system. The name carried over into Quebec when New France was settled.

What does the term old regime refers to?

The Ancien Régime ( Old Regime) refers primarily to the aristocratic, social and political system established in France from (roughly) the 15th century to the 18th century under the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties.

In what ways does the declaration of the rights of man limit the power of the crown?

A declaration of the rights of man, means that the common people (the bourgeoisie) gain rights that have to do with equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc. Before the declaration of the rights of man were introduced in Revolutionary France for example, the Ancien Regime (the old regime) of the monarchy determined what happened in the country concerning these topics, meaning there was only one religion in France which was the right one: the roman catholic religion, there was no freedom of press (opinion) and there was a class system (first, second and third estate) which divided the people is ranks. When the declaration of the rights of man was adapted, the people gained much more freedom and the crown lost power.

Why did the Third-estate propose a change in the Estate's-general's voting rules?

The system was that each estate took its own poll on a one-man-one-vote basis; the majority in each estate decided how that Estate should vote; and the final voting was by Estates. On tax questions, the Third Estate was bound to be outnumbered two to one, despiteits memebrs being far more numerous than those of the other two. Naturally, threfore, they wanted a single one-man-one-vote arrangement.

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What was the estate system unfair in France?

One Estate paid all the taxes.

Who was in the three estates of the old regime why was this system so unequal?

The three estates divided the social classes of Revolution Era France. There was an estate that had the wealth nobles, there was an estate that had church people in it, such as priests and bishops, and there was an estate that had the common people in it. It was unequal as the nobles lived comfortable lives in their palaces and the common people sometimes had to steal bread just to live.

What was the feudal system used in 1770 France called?

In the 1770's there was no longer a feudal system. __ It was called seignorial system. The name carried over into Quebec when New France was settled.

What does the term old regime refers to?

The Ancien Régime ( Old Regime) refers primarily to the aristocratic, social and political system established in France from (roughly) the 15th century to the 18th century under the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties.

Class system of King Louis XVI?

King Louis was bound to the Ancient Regime which had three Estates within the Estates General. The First Estate was the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate was the Nobles and the Third Estate was everyone else.

Although the financial crisis of the ancient regime was the immediate spark that set off the french revolution which broader factors within France contributed to the revolution?

In addition to a financial crisis, France was going through a deep political crisis. The "Ancien Regime" system was an unfair system where all the powers were concentrated within 2 groups, the Nobility and the Clergy. The Third Estate, which represents the poorest citizen, had only duties with no power. Sources: http:/

How many levels does the system have and how many?

There are 3 estates : the first estate, the second estate, and the third estate. The third estate were the poorest in France and were mostly peasants but the first estate contains priests and religious people who are very rich

What is the third estate in the Old Regime?

The term Old Regime refers to French society before the French Revolution. Before the revolution, France followed the feudal system. Due to this, the society was divided into three estates or groups. The first estate consisted of the clergy while the second estate consisted of the nobles. Together these two estates made up the "privileged class". They made up only ten percent of the total French population. The remaining ninety percent was made up by the third estate. The third estate consisted of all the other members of society including doctors, lawyers, merchants, tradesmen, artisans, peasants, daily wage workers, maids, servants, etc.

What is the definition of the word regime?

A regime is "a mode or system of rule or government" or "the priod during which a particular ruling system is in power".

What is Ancien regime?

The ancien régime was a system in France designed in the middle ages, it was a system that consisted with 3 estates, 1st-clergy churches, 2nd- Nobility, and 3rd- peasants and many other ordinary people. This system lasted until the French Revolution (when Louis the 16th reigned).

What was the political and social system before the French Revolution?

The answer is The Old Regime

How are regime and regimen different?

A regime is a system of rule or government. Regimen is a regulated system of diet, excercise and therapy to promote health