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5 years 121 days (19 July 1553 - 17 November 1558). She died of natural causes.

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Q: How long was Mary on the throne?
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How long was Mary you on the throne?

5 years

In what circumstances did Mary Tudor come to the throne?

in what circumstances did Mary Tudor come to the throne?

When did Mary I come to the throne?

Mary I of Scotland (Mary, Queen of Scots) came to the throne on 14 Dec 1542. Mary I of England (Bloody Mary) came to the throne on 19 July 1553.

Why didn't Mary I inherit the throne when her brother died?

Queen Mary I (Mary Tudor, Bloody Mary) did accede the throne when her brother, King Edward VI died.

Why was it important for queen elizabteth to kill mary queen of scots?

She was the next in line for the throne of England and as a Catholic, was the center of Catholic plots to overthrow Elizabeth and Put Mary on the throne. As long as Mary was alive, she was a threat to Elizabeth's reign. With Mary dead, her son King James VI of Scotland would be heir to the throne. James was a Protestant so there would be no advantage to the Catholic factions to kill Elizabeth once Mary was dead.

Why did lady Jane grey get removed from the throne?

Because she was ment to go on to the throne after Mary but went anyway, so there got forbidden from the throne and Mary took her place.

Who was after Mary on the throne?

It was Queen Elizabeth I

Why did Mary back down from throne?

because she was ill and let elizibeth take the throne

Was King george V's sister Mary ever in line for the throne?

Unfortunately, King George had no sisters named Mary, so no she was not in line for the throne.

How long did Mary Tudor rule England before Queen Elizabeth?

Queen Mary I of England (Mary Tudor) reigned as Queen of England for five years and approximately 4 months before her death. Elizabeth took the throne after Mary's death.

Who was crowned first Mary or Elizabeth?

Mary I was crowned before Elizabeth I. Elizabeth was the heir to the throne after Mary's death.

Who tried to get the Throne from Elizabeth I?

Mary, Queen of Scots. !