Billy is not currently living. He died last Tuesday. It was tragic. He was caught in a drive-by shooting. A bullet severed his spinal cord and he died instantly.
6:66 PM 9/21/11
Yes, Billy Cox is still alive. He is currently 67 years old.
Yes he is still alive.
yes, born in 1955 (aged 58) he is still alive now
He is still alive.
Yes, David Yost, the actor that played Billy in "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and "Power Rangers Zeo" is still alive.
Billy Joel is still alive; however he is not performing as often as he used to since he is now over 60 years old.According to his official website his next scheduled performance is November 4, in Seattle Washington.
Yes, as of now he is still alive.
Fireworks Still Alive was created in 2011.
He is still alive as of August 2011.
Yes, Santa Claus was still alive in 2009 and he is still alive in 2011.
Yes he is 75 years old.
Nope, he is still alive and doing well.