sort of like:
Following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Act for the Better Government of India (1858) made changes in the governance of India at three levels: in the imperial government in London, in the central government in Calcutta, and in the provincial governments in the presidencies (and later in the provinces).[15]
In London, it provided for a cabinet-level Secretary of State for India and a fifteen-member Council of India, whose members were required, as one prerequisite of membership, to have spent at least ten years in India and to have done so no more than ten years before.[16]Although the Secretary of State formulated the policy instructions to be communicated to India, he was required in most instances to consult the Council, but especially so in matters relating to spending of Indian revenues.[15] The Act envisaged a system of "double government" in which the Council ideally served both as a check on excesses in imperial policy-making and as a body of up-to-date expertise on India.[15] However, the Secretary of State also had special emergency powers that allowed him to make unilateral decisions, and, in reality, the Council's expertise was sometimes outdated.[17] From 1858 until 1947, twenty seven individuals served as Secretary of State for India and directed the India Office; these included: Sir Charles Wood (1859-1866), Marquess of Salisbury (1874-1878) (later Prime Minister of Britain), John Morley (1905-1910) (initiator of the Minto-Morley Reforms), E. S. Montagu (1917-1922) (an architect of theMontagu-Chelmsford reforms), and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence (1945-1947) (head of the 1946 Cabinet Mission to India). The size of the advisory Council was reduced over th
The majority of the Cree Native Americans live north and west of Lake Superior. Most live in Canada in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
Because it provided everything that the Indians need to live.
The most likely nation that british would come to is the one that has the most wanted things in their nation because british does not have many things to live from.
The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest live in an area that ranges from the south of Alaska to the state of Washington. These Native Americans are well-known for their carved totem poles.
Boudicca was the queen of the British Iceni tribe around the year 60 AD. This tribe lived in the area that is now Norfolk.
it was easier for rich indians to live under british rule
poo r
The Kwakiutl Indians live in British Columbia, Canada.
they live in tepeys igluse and under ground forts
Yes, easier if you live mostly in Britain though.
No before 1947 Pakistani lives with Indians and British.
The Tlingit Indians are original people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. They live in southern Alaska and in British Columbia and the Yukon in Canada.
The Native Americans didn't live under authoritarian rule.
yes because the us has Indians and Canada has french descendants of french and British and English
In the mid-19th cent. they lived in S British Columbia on the Fraser River and numbered some 7,000.
200 years.
The Pomo Indians live in California.