Simply if you have no concept of what has happened before how could you possibly measure progress ? History is like memory, it's a measurement of the past. If you have no memory, what was the question?
define culture and intellectual life?
Machine Life.
Yes. History is true because it is the collection of past events that happened in real life.
Belle Starr is important in women history because if it was not for her life probably wouldn't like these
because by passing different stages in life we are creating a history so whole life is an eventful and memorable history
no . history is for life..
george cooper poet life history
History of inyass
Life history refers to the overall pattern of an organism's life events, including growth, reproduction, and survival. Life cycle, on the other hand, refers to the series of stages that an organism passes through from birth to reproduction to death. Essentially, life history is the broader narrative while life cycle is the specific sequence of stages.
The cast of The History of Life - 2013 includes: James Todino
the history of guild wars is: the meaning of life and history of sliced bread.
Life History Patterns - optimization of traits that maximize the passing of genes on to future generations.
For the majority of history, life has been unicellular and prokaryotic. Only at the time of the Cambrian explosion did multicellular life become widespread.
Rapid life history organisms have small body size, mature rapidly, reproduce early, and have short life span. Short life history organisms reproduce and mature slowly, and are long lived.
Most people think history is a bunch of stuff that happened in the past... it isn't. History is much more than that. History happens every second of you'r life, for example, as soon as I give you this answer, it will be history. We should care about history because it is part of our life, memories mostly. History is all the past stuff that has happened in you'r life. It may be bad history, it may be good. That's what history is.
Truman Capote wrote the history of Perry Smith's life because he was his friend.