The economy was really poor during the French Revolution, one of the reasons that it occurred. For example, the prices of bread were rising at alarming costs, and the people began to starve. Bread and grain were a major factor for the lives of the French at the time. The French were heavily in debt due to helping out the Americans in the American Revolution, the French-Indian War, as well as the expenditures the monarchy racked up, such as Marie Antoinette's wardrobe. Overall, the economy was TERRIBLE. There's more information here if you need it!:
I think Civil War
There were three main factors:Enlightenment spread the idea that everyone was equal. The powerless Third Estate liked that.The French economy was failing. High taxes kept prices low, and food supplies short.King Louis XVI was a weak leader. He tried o tax nobles but they forced him to tax Third Estate.What was NOT a factor that led to the French?A rebellion in the clergy
Many factors played into it. Generally speaking, people vote their wallet. When the economy runs down, people throw out the leader. Another factor was the war; people were tired of being in Iraq. Another factor is the bias of the mainstream media, and how it affected the perceptions of the voters.
Answer this question… African slaves and free, mixed-race Haitians opposed Haiti's unfair social system.
the construction of the bastille
the death of louis xvl
French leaders were refusing to pass political reforms.Apex
Edmond Burke condemned the French Revolution as a "digest of anarchy". He was probably the greatest single factor in turning British public opinion against the French Revolution with the publication of his book Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790.
The economy was really poor during the French Revolution, one of the reasons that it occurred. For example, the prices of bread were rising at alarming costs, and the people began to starve. Bread and grain were a major factor for the lives of the French at the time. The French were heavily in debt due to helping out the Americans in the American Revolution, the French-Indian War, as well as the expenditures the monarchy racked up, such as Marie Antoinette's wardrobe. Overall, the economy was TERRIBLE. There's more information here if you need it!:
Edmond Burke condemned the French Revolution as a "digest of anarchy". He was probably the greatest single factor in turning British public opinion against the French Revolution with the publication of his book Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790.
The industrial revolution by displacing framers. They moved them to the city to find work.
Type your answer here. .Poor harvests Discontent among the Third Estate An absolute monarchy ..
The support of France was an important factor. The French Navy had a large affect on the surrender at Yorktown, as they prevented the British from being able to evacuate by sea. Lafayette was a big help.
he was a great philosopher and thinker whose writing greatly influence people as well as the other thinker of his time. his ideas which are propounded in his famous book ''the social contract'' is invoked the french people with the sentiments of freedom equality and justice . His new ideas prove the major factor in the outbreak of french revolution.
Hunger, starvation. People will put up with nearly anything and will almost never actually revolt till enough of them get hungry enough.
Do not calculate. Get it from Fama/French's website