It was not a good idea for Mary to marry Phillip because Spain was having a war against France at the time. This bought conflict between England and France.Also Phillip did not become king, thgis upset Mary. After Mary died Phillip proposed to Elizabeth, she refused, so he started plotting against her!
This was something I had to write about in a history essay but a topic in which i could seek no anwsers. Sorry x
To our knowledge she was not present. After Mary married without her family's consent and below her rank her relationship to her family was not good. She was exiled from court and it is belived that the sisters never met again after that.
Mary Reibey was convicted of horse-stealing in England. This is the crime for which she was transported. Chances are high that, because her parents had died, she was running away from home (she was believed to be living with her grandmother at the time), and so she just "borrowed" the horse to get away. However, because horses were such a valuable commodity, the crime was considered serious.
The coureurs du bois are the "runners of the woods", they traded things like furs but they had everyone displeased with them because they were supposed to marry the filles de roi to increase the french population but instead they were marrying native woman which was not a good thing for the french
Because he was an outspoken protastant and Queen Mary was Catherlic. Sir Walter Ralegh, for this reason, had nothing good to say about catholics, and why he was a favourite of Elizabeth I when she became Queen.
Mary married king of Spain (king Phillip 2) to make peace with Spain.
Men are good to marry if you are in your in your twenties and have no life.
she helped spain beat france in a war.
phillip of spain political views were that he have a dick head like tyler kim and brando alvarenga and argenis sanchez..good luck
Phillip Good was born in 1937.
Marry Shelley's husband was called Percy Shelley and he was a good poet!!
Mary Tudor (Mary I)· Born 18 February 1516 at Greenwich, England.· Daughter of Henry VIII (1491 - 1547) and his first wife Catherine of Aragon (1485 - 1536)· Declared illegitimate when the marriage of her parents broke up.· Eventually restored to the succession after the Anne Boleyn's fall.· When her brother Edward VI died in 1553, Lady Jane Grey proclaimed queen instead of Mary· Mary is restored to the throne after the end of Jane Grey's "nine days" rule.· In 1554, put down the rebellion led by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Mary is suspicious of Elizabeth.· Mary imprisons her half sister Elizabeth in the Tower of London (March 1554) for 8 weeks.· Married Phillip II of Spain on 25 July 1554, to help reinforce the restoration of Catholicism· Mary announces she is pregnant, but it proves to be a false alarm.· Hundreds of Protestants burned at the stake for dissenting (hence the title Bloody Mary)· In 1555 Phillip leaves England and returns to Spain, much to Mary's distress.· In 1556 England loses its last possession in France: Calais.· Mary is said to have declared that after her death the words "Phillip" and "Calais" would be found written on her heart.· Mary died on 17 November 1558, leaving the succession to her half sister, Elizabeth.
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Yes, Mary was jealous of Elizabeth because Mary's mother, Catherine of Aragon, was divorced against her will so that Henry VIII could marry Elizabeth's mother. And when Mary claimed the throne she bullied Elizabeth a lot. But eventually Elizabeth became the Queen. Good for her.
Phillip the Good
Mary Tudor and Phillip II's marriage was very unpopular. English people did not like foreign rulers especially men, they feared they would control the country. Countries were being friendly to Elizabeth in hope that their princes would marry her, by her marrying Phillip it may have made countries jealous and they would stop being friendly. Therefore Elizabeth I did not marry Phillip II because she did not want to make herself unpopular with her people and other countries. And then there was the fact that Philip tried to kill Elizabeth while he was married to her sister.
Hello!!! I myself is learing about the Tudors, Queen Elizabeth and "Bloody Mary" Mary Tudor Queen of Scots. I am not sure but I know that she died because she comitted treason against her cousin, Queen Elizabeth the First. I don't know if that helps, but I hope it does!!!;]Good Luck,Kenadie, OregonMary Queen of Scots was not "Bloody Mary", this was a nickname of Mary I. Here are some salients points about Mary Tudor:Mary Tudor (Mary I)· Born: 18 February 1516 at Greenwich, England.· Daughter of Henry VIII (1491 - 1547) and his first wife Catherine of Aragon (1485 - 1536)· Declared illegitimate when the marriage of her parents broke up.· Eventually restored to the succession after Anne Boleyn's fall.· When her brother Edward VI died in 1553, Lady Jane Grey proclaimed queen instead of Mary· Mary is restored to the throne after the end of Jane Grey's "nine days" rule.· In 1554, put down the rebellion led by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Mary is suspicious of involvement by her half sister, Elizabeth.· Mary imprisons her half sister Elizabeth in the Tower of London (March 1554) for 8 weeks.· Married Phillip II of Spain on 25 July 1554, to help reinforce the restoration of Catholicism· It is announced that Mary is pregnant in September 1554, but it proves not to be the case.· Around 300 Protestants burned at the stake for dissenting and being considered heretics (hence the title Bloody Mary).· In 1555 Phillip leaves England and returns to Spain, much to Mary's distress.· In 1556 England loses its last possession in France: Calais.· Mary is said to have declared that after her death the words "Phillip" and "Calais" would be found written on her heart.· Phillip returns to England in March 1557.· Mary announces she is pregnant and goes into confinement in February 1558, but again this proves to be a false alarm.· Mary died on 17 November 1558 of "dropsy" after reigning since 1553, leaving the succession to her half sister, Elizabeth.