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King John makes people think that he is bad because of Disney. The truth is that he wasn't that bad, yes he did lose the Avegein empire (the english empire in France) and yes he did tax people heavily. He let people kill priests he got excommunicated and others. But like all other people King John is a human being. He built libraries wherever he would go, he would travel around the country (something that many Kings wouldn't do) he increased the navy's power too. So it is all Propaganda.

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12y ago
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15y ago

he did not take care of his kingdom and nobody liked him

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13y ago
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10y ago

The barons didn't like that King John tried to centralize the political power in England. He also had the whole country excommunicated, raised taxes and killed Arthur.

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12y ago

King john Killed his nephew King Arthur and he did alot more

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There's no consensus on whether King John was a good king. Many consider him to have been a bad ruler, but others think he was effective. Regardless of the presence of dissenting opinions, he tends to be portrayed negatively in the media.

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