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What were conditions that made life difficult for homesteaders? Homesteaders living on the great plains were what you call "Extremely Dramatic". There were lots of conditions on the great plains that affected settlers lives. Here are these problems; building houses, staying healthy, extreme weather, lack of fuel, Indian Attacks, lack of isolation, keeping clean, lack of water, and pests and vermin. The problem with the bugs were grasshoppers. Grasshoppers ruined their crops. Building houses from wood was expensive. The settlers couldn't afford building houses from wood, so they built it from sod. The walls and floors were infested with bugs and lice, because these homes were built from dirt and grass. It would leak in the homes when it rained. They also had problems staying healthy because of the insects. The insects that flew around would inject disease into their bodies. What helped homesteaders survive? There are three things that helped them survive, and 3/3 of these examples issued technology. 1.) Barbed wire, 2.) steel plow, and 3.) windmills. The barbed wire was for housing reasons, the steel plow was for cutting through tough prairie sod, and the windmills for pumping water out of the ground. :)

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Q: What conditions made life difficult for homesteaders What helped homesteaders survive please Give examples.?
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What conditions made life difficult for homesteaders What helped homesteaders survive?

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What conditions made life difficult for homesteaders What helped homesteaders survive Give examples.?

What were conditions that made life difficult for homesteaders? Homesteaders living on the great plains were what you call "Extremely Dramatic". There were lots of conditions on the great plains that affected settlers lives. Here are these problems; building houses, staying healthy, extreme weather, lack of fuel, Indian Attacks, lack of isolation, keeping clean, lack of water, and pests and vermin. The problem with the bugs were grasshoppers. Grasshoppers ruined their crops. Building houses from wood was expensive. The settlers couldn't afford building houses from wood, so they built it from sod. The walls and floors were infested with bugs and lice, because these homes were built from dirt and grass. It would leak in the homes when it rained. They also had problems staying healthy because of the insects. The insects that flew around would inject disease into their bodies. What helped homesteaders survive? There are three things that helped them survive, and 3/3 of these examples issued technology. 1.) Barbed wire, 2.) steel plow, and 3.) windmills. The barbed wire was for housing reasons, the steel plow was for cutting through tough prairie sod, and the windmills for pumping water out of the ground. :)

What conditions made life difficult for homesteaders What helped homesteaders survive please Give examples?

What were conditions that made life difficult for homesteaders? Homesteaders living on the great plains were what you call "Extremely Dramatic". There were lots of conditions on the great plains that affected settlers lives. Here are these problems; building houses, staying healthy, extreme weather, lack of fuel, Indian Attacks, lack of isolation, keeping clean, lack of water, and pests and vermin. The problem with the bugs were grasshoppers. Grasshoppers ruined their crops. Building houses from wood was expensive. The settlers couldn't afford building houses from wood, so they built it from sod. The walls and floors were infested with bugs and lice, because these homes were built from dirt and grass. It would leak in the homes when it rained. They also had problems staying healthy because of the insects. The insects that flew around would inject disease into their bodies. What helped homesteaders survive? There are three things that helped them survive, and 3/3 of these examples issued technology. 1.) Barbed wire, 2.) steel plow, and 3.) windmills. The barbed wire was for housing reasons, the steel plow was for cutting through tough prairie sod, and the windmills for pumping water out of the ground. :)

What conditions made life difficult for homesteaders What helped homesteaders survive Give examples?

What were conditions that made life difficult for homesteaders? Homesteaders living on the great plains were what you call "Extremely Dramatic". There were lots of conditions on the great plains that affected settlers lives. Here are these problems; building houses, staying healthy, extreme weather, lack of fuel, Indian Attacks, lack of isolation, keeping clean, lack of water, and pests and vermin. The problem with the bugs were grasshoppers. Grasshoppers ruined their crops. Building houses from wood was expensive. The settlers couldn't afford building houses from wood, so they built it from sod. The walls and floors were infested with bugs and lice, because these homes were built from dirt and grass. It would leak in the homes when it rained. They also had problems staying healthy because of the insects. The insects that flew around would inject disease into their bodies. What helped homesteaders survive? There are three things that helped them survive, and 3/3 of these examples issued technology. 1.) Barbed wire, 2.) steel plow, and 3.) windmills. The barbed wire was for housing reasons, the steel plow was for cutting through tough prairie sod, and the windmills for pumping water out of the ground. :)

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