The Anglo-Saxons invaded England from Denmark, Norway, and Germany.
The Angles and the Saxons were two different nations of people and came from different places.
The Angles came from a place called Angeln. This place can now be found on the border of Germany and Denmark.
The Saxons came from a place called Old Saxony. This is now part of Germany and includes all of the modern German states of Westphalia and Lower Saxony.
A third group of people often included with the Anglo-Saxons were the Jutes. These people were fewer in number than the Angles or the Saxons and came from Jutland. Jutland is now the northern part of the large Jylland Peninsular in Denmark.
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The Anglo-Saxon period begins in the fifth Century A.D., when the Angles, a Germanic tribe from what is now Denmark, came to Britain, which they re-named Engla-lond or "Land of the Angles." The Saxons began coming at about the same time. The period is generally considered to be over with the Norman Conquest of 1066. Our English language has two major dialects to this day, the Anglic dialect of the north, called Scots or Doric or Lallands depending on one's politics, and the Saxon dialect of the South, called Standard English.
The Angles and the Saxons were a Germanic tribes who had a polytheistic religion. The tribes eventually became combined as the Anglo-Saxons and were pagans who worshipped Woden, a German version of the Norse god, Odin. The tribes had converted to Christianity by the seventh century.
Kna The Angles, a tribe from what is now Denmark, and the Saxons, from a nearby area in what is now Germany, and the Jutes, from Jutland, invaded what is now England in the 5th Century and displaced the vestiges of governmant of Roman Britannia. All three groups spoke closely related Germanic dialects and a common language eventually developed among the various kingdoms they created. That language is now called Anglo-Saxon, and the term is also used to refer to the people who spoke that language and to distinguish them from their later conquerers, the Normans under William.
As with any group, individuals can vary. But speaking generally, yes, Anglo Saxons, for the most part, are Christians. But that also depends on how far back you want to go. Anglos Saxons at one time were pagans, just like Vikings, Danes, Jutes, and Celts. They worshiped a variety of gods. The island of Britain was populated by all sorts of Germanic, Nordic, and Celtic peoples anciently. Christianity arrived in the British Isles around 200 AD. It gained followers among all the different peoples that then lived in Britain (mainly those regarding themselves as Roman and the disparate tribes of what we now call Celts). With the loss of support from the Roman emperor around 400 AD, others groups invaded Britain to take control. Vikings, Danes, Jutes, Saxons, etc., all came in from Scandinavia and Northern Europe. The Saxons came from Northern Germany and really took control of most of Southern England. Meanwhile, further north the Angles moved in and spread from the North Sea coast of east anglia across the midlands. Both mixed with the existing peoples and eventually united to become "Anglo Saxons" - Anglo became the origin of the word "English." By this time, Christianity was fairly well spread throughout Northern Europe and Britain, and would have been the dominate religion by the early middle-ages. In 1066 AD, William the Conqueror invaded England (not Britain) from Normandy in Northern France. William was a Norman and spoke Norman French. The French Knights that arrived with him were granted land across England, that formerly owned by the Anglo-Saxons Lords who had been killed. Over time, they too mixed with the local people and the English language emerged from the mix of foreign tongues. The term Anglo Saxon isn't really a racial distinction, and today, when you hear someone referred to as being Anglo-Saxon, it really means from English heritage - whatever that may mean. In the founding of America, many English people settled in the Northern states (i.e., New England area). These early settlers brought with them their traditions, language, and Christian faith. Most of the secondary wave of arrivals were Protestant people fleeing religious persecution in England. They were conservative and pious. They left a legacy of Protestant values that is still seen throughout the Northeast. In America the term Anglo-Saxon is used by some to identify people who came from the racial stock of those early English pilgrims that settled the New England area. It's a term that's both used positively and negatively. Those who are proud of their early pilgrim heritage look at being Anglo-Saxon as a positive thing. Those who view it negatively often associate it with being stuffy, conservative, pious, and old fashioned. Thus you get the term "WASP" which stands for White Anglo Saxon Protestant. However, to be a WASP is to be identified by your social economic status more than your genealogical origins. It is also used in European discussion as a description of a northern European, British-German view of economies, again this is referring to economic principles more than any racial description. Very few people use Anglo-Saxon purely as a national or racial term then. You can be French or Italian, but nobody really goes around saying they are Anglo-Saxon in the same sense. Anglo-Saxon is mainly a vague historical term if used purely for racial/ethnic distinction and today it is used more as a cultural distinction that has less to do with one's actual genealogy than with social economic appearance. So are all Anglo-Saxons Christians? That's like saying are all Bostonian's Christian? Some are, and some aren't. Statistically they're more likely to describe themselves as such, but a minority would actually go to church.
The island of Great Britain has been invaded only four times in history. After stone age the island was inhabited by Britons, who were celts. Romans conquered Britain in AD 43 because they got tin and other products from there and the celts were their enemies. Romans left Britain in AD 410, because they had no use for the province anymore and they needed troops to protect other more significant areas of their empire. Many Romans mixed with Britains celtic population. After that germanic peoples of northern Germany and Denmark invaded Great Britain. Angles, Saxons and Jutes are usually called just Anglo-Saxons. They left from mainland Europe because the Huns were destroying everything and caused the Barbarian Invasions, and they moved to Britain, since it's a safe island and Romans just left it. Anglo-Saxons mixed with the previous people on Britain. In 9th century the vikings invaded Britain from the North. They left from Norway and Denmark because there weren't enough women for the men (vikings preferred male children) and not enough farmland either. Vikings mixed with previous peoples of the island also. In year 1066 Britain was conquered for the last time, by Normans, who came there from Brittany, France, but they were from Skandinavia originally (thus Normans, North men). They mixed with the population like all the other invaders previously. So the island of Great Britain was celtic at first, then conquered by Romans, and after they abandoned it, conquered by Skandinavian/germanic peoples three times successively. In 19th century French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte tried to conquer Britain, but didn't succeed, because the British fleet won the French fleet. In 20th century German leader Adolf Hitler tried to conquer Britian, but didn't succeed either, because the British air force won the German air force.
The Dutch under Williaam of Orange? The Romans, Anglo Saxons. Danes. Normans.
because they felt like it
no both were germanic but they fought they were cousins
The British people called for help when the Roman Army protecing them from a tribe left, and the Anglo-Saxons are the 3 tribes that came to help. British land is farmable pretty much all over, and climate was very nice. So that's why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.
The British people called for help when the Roman Army protecing them from a tribe left, and the Anglo-Saxons are the 3 tribes that came to help. British land is farmable pretty much all over, and climate was very nice. So that's why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.
To show the conquered Anglo-Saxons that he (William) now had supreme power.
They encouraged many new technologies and ways of life, before taking over
The British people called for help when the Roman Army protecing them from a tribe left, and the Anglo-Saxons are the 3 tribes that came to help. British land is farmable pretty much all over, and climate was very nice. So that's why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.
The Anglo-Saxons migrated to the British Isles in the middle of the first millennium A.D. They ruled England until the Norman Conquest in 1066.
The Anglo Saxons took over Britain which they later called England
The Anglo-Saxons were 3 germanic tribes: The Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes. The British people were under attack from some tribe(someone please name), and they were making it through with the Roman Army by their side. But when the Roman Army had to go back to Rome to fight, the British were defenseless. So they took a risk and called for some tribes to come and help. So, the three tribes mentioned above came to protect. They beat off the invading tribes easily, and then set their sights on Britain's land. They called for their friends in Germania(Germany) to come over, saying their was "free land" over here, and then they came over. Once the British realized they were invaders, not protectors, they tried to stop them, but it was too late. The tribes took over Britain, and settled down.