If you are referring to the period of colonization and colonialism, certainly one of the first was the United States of America, which declared its independence from England in 1776; the Americans fought and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1781). Another early country to declare independence was Haiti, which gained its freedom from France in 1804.
If you are referring to the period of colonization and colonialism, certainly one of the first was the United States of America, which declared its independence from England in 1776; the Americans fought and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1781). Another early country to declare independence was Haiti, which gained its freedom from France in 1804.
That depends on your definition of freedom and exactly what you mean by country.
No doubt most of the older countries of the world would claim to be the first to have freedom but are you talking about the freedom of a country as a state or the freedoms enjoyed by the population of a country?
Greece was the first democracy we know about but had slavery which is a reminder to us all that democracy alone is no guarantee of freedom.
Haiti gained its independence from France.
The first country ever to gain independence was San Marino who achieved independence from the Roman Empire.
66 Countries gained independence from the U.K
The country that gained their independence after the first Balkan War is Albania. They got their independence from the Ottoman Empire.
San Marino was the first established country and gained independence from the Roman Empire in 301.
The country that gained its independence in 1903 was Panama. They gained their freedom from the South American country Columbia.
china has gained independence.
This country gained its independence from Britain in 1960.
The country that Tanzania gained independence from in 1961 was Great Britain.
This is for the U.S. When we gained independence only men that had a higher status could vote, such as men that owned land and who were educated.
San Marino was truly the first established country. It gained independence from the Roman Empire in 301 and was the first republic.
Colombia gained independence from Spain in 1810 after a series of battles and uprisings.
Honduras gained Independence from Spain
The day the country gained its independence.
Thailand gained independence in 1238